Around here we get a lot of retirees who can’t believe the city won’t remove the dangerous neighborhood foxes and hawks who are trying to eat their yappy tiny rat dogs.
Around here we get a lot of retirees who can’t believe the city won’t remove the dangerous neighborhood foxes and hawks who are trying to eat their yappy tiny rat dogs.
Don’t break an arm jerking yourself off.
I laughed, I cried, it was better than Cats.
Lol lol lol again with the super scary CSS header image. I was trying to figure out 1) What on earth she was shooting that would necessitate/damage a diaphragm and 2) Why a woman as young as Jenny Larry would be using a diaphragm.
The thing is, I love pumpkin spice stuff, but now some dumb dumbs are actually sneaking pumpkin or pumpkin flavor into them and I hate pumpkin so it’s hard for me to enjoy this thing I like without having to ask about it before hand and sound shitty. Also on the list: Fake crab vs real crab.
It was super great that there was a dude there to tell this powerful successful woman how her own parts work. *annoyed*
All professions matter, amirite?
But we already have Plebs and it’s a perfect show?
The Little Engine that Could was a girl.
I have a human child. I hang out with a friend on Wednesdays so my human child and my husband go out and do stuff on their own, often seeing whatever awful kids’ movie is out that week. The rest of the week we would have to get a babysitter to see a movie, so we only see the really important stuff.
Tuck a paper napkin over the tops of the eggs to have marinade contact on the whole egg without having to turn and monitor:
I know a doctor and he said his specialty isn’t cancer, he had no access to Jobs’ records or charts, and has no business making diagnoses on his health.
1) Awesome work on the skull
2) Where did you get that amazing chipmunk??
They tried taking them down politely. It did not go very well.
What does it say about me that I was *fascinated* by the face-removal?
Me and my weird cervix always cut the tail off the cup entirely.
My method:
1) Put gross sponge in garbage
2) Get new sponge from under sink
3) (optional) If running low on sponges buy a new pack of sponges for like $5 seriously guys.
There’s no shortage. Get your flu shot.
But you go outside right? And come in contact with other humans? Then go get your flu shot.