Hehe look at that scary scary css cover image
Hehe look at that scary scary css cover image
I mean, I get it. The kid won’t even put on a suit and tie to meet him, why would he even bother meeting someone who would disrespect him like that.
I mean, which one?
Yes! All are invited to the nacho party!
I will be your friend! I make very good nachos!
That’d be 60 proof
There seems to be a wild disparity in quality from Happy Joe’s location to location. We had a huge group of folks from all over the country in Dubuque a few years back when the company I worked for opened a new branch and needed trainers. Happy Joe’s was wildly loved by everyone, even those from NY/NJ. But other…
I basically DIYd the same thing. I got a https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QZPUX8 drilled holes in the center thing and dump the coffee in there. I drink a big glass of it every morning with a dash of milk and some ice and it lasts me M-F.
I basically DIYd the same thing. I got a https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B003QZPUX8 drilled holes in the center…
The first one started about 1.5 hours away in the Quad Cities. I lump Happy Joe’s and Panchero’s into the “started locally now a pretty big chain still counts as local to me” category. Besides, I’ve been to other Happy Joe’s and the Dubuque one is the best.
Dubuque, Iowa here.
I ask for a bandit plate all the time. My kid eats like a friggin bird 90% of the time, no reason to get him his own meal unless he’s having a growth spurt.
Yes! Upside down burgers 4 LYF!
All sandwiches must be cut in half, on the diagonal. This is a law of God and Man.
I worked at a small business and was given a set of keys so I could lock up when I was the last one there. I was worried beyond belief that I would forget to lock the front door, a few times I even drove back to work just to make sure I had. I started doing a stupid song and dance every time I locked the door, the…
I certainly have no idea!
Well gosh, I guess since it’s a problem you’ve never experienced it’s not a problem for anyone! Thanks for solving that one for us all! Can you try fixing racism and misogyny next? I’m assuming you’ve never experienced those either.
HAhahahahahahaha yeah sure. And then they continue doing whatever they were doing while ignoring your ass like they can’t hear you. Say pardon me, scootch closer to them and say pardon me louder, and then sit down and shove them over. 90% of the time works great, 10% of the time you get stabbed. But them’s the chances…
Or get your own pasta maker and make your own fresh pasta to match your sauce! It’s the best. I got an attachment for my KitchenAid and it’s just so soothing running the dough through it a million times.
Maybe it’s just because my office mates at my last job were racist misogynistic generally terrible people, but I friggin LOVE working from home. I may be unable to work in an office ever again. Yes, it’s occasionally isolating and lonely, but I’d rather be isolated than forced to deal with garbage people all day.