Triflers need not apply

Let’s see how cute he is in a year and 1000 lbs

I had been unimpressed with my amope until I discovered using it this way:
1) Take a nice long bath and soak them feets
2) Use the amope on them feets UNDER THE WATER whilest you bathe
3) Profit
I don’t know why, but amoping after soaking my feet was never good enough before, but using it in the actual bath has been life

I had been unimpressed with my amope until I discovered using it this way:
1) Take a nice long bath and soak them

OH FUCK game changer! Pine is now #1 Chris. Sorry Evans.

Ugh a chiropractor is either a scam artist or they believe in magic energy that lives in your body, gets stuck, and can only be released by cracking your joints. I don’t know which is worse. Wouldn’t marry either, would die alone.

I don’t understand what this guy is trying to prove here. I came into this say “Me too! This post is exactly me!” and his “help” is to tell me I’m wrong. He’s trying to explain my own marriage to me, having met neither myself or my husband or having any idea what he’s talking about.  

We must be married to the same man.

I have not “acknowledged that he gets off the couch and does a lot” and I’d like to see where in my comments you think I said that.

Gosh akinjaGuy, you sure have given me a lot to think about.

What on earth would he even have to nag me about?

Ok random strange man on the internet who is sure he can fix my marriage:
He does the dishes, he takes out the trash, he does about half the cooking, his own clothes washing, and about half the kid-raising. Any of the other things you need to have done to keep a household going I do about 95% of the time.

That’s a great way to let the lazy fuck get to continue lazily fucking while the person who has standards does all the work.

So are you saying I need to either live with the squalor my husband is OK with, or just do the chore myself? Because that’s how it got to this point. He doesn’t mow the lawn on time, I hire a lawnmower. He doesn’t do my and our kid’s laundry frequently enough, I do my own and our kid’s. He doesn’t shovel the sidewalk,

I’m glad that’s working for you. It does not work for me. As I said he has 2 jobs: Dishes and Take out the Trash. He used to have more jobs (laundry, mowing the lawn, clean the house), but slowly he stopped doing them and I had to take up the slack. The dishes thing has kind of become a line in the sand for me.

Would you consider a sink/counter so full of dishes and old food that actual bugs are living in it acceptable? Because apparently my husband does. I do not. So my choices are 1) Nag him to clean better or 2) Do it myself.

Yep. I cried too. It was a whole thing. I keep second guessing whether there is anything I could be doing better, to get my point across to him, to make him more aware of what’s wrong. I’m seeing therapist next month to help me out with that, maybe help my communication skills.

I’m glad it’s working out for you :)

I did that. He knows what level of clean is acceptable. He just doesn’t see it/care/whatever until I get annoyed.

We have one. His job is put the dishes in, run it, remove the dishes. If he does that I’m happy to put my dishes in, run it when full, etc. But he leaves a sink full of dishes and a washer also full of dishes so I can’t even handwash.

Yes, this puts into words one of the main problems I’ve got in my marriage: I’m the one who carries 100% of the mental load of everything. It’s fucking exhausting and makes me feel like the classic naggy sitcom wife when I again have to say “Hey, can you please do the dishes?” or “Can you please try to keep the

Factorio is just wonderful. I’ve played through a few times and each time I get better...still haven’t figured out trains tho.