Triflers need not apply

I play Torb, Orisa, and Lucio and I stay on the fucking payload/objective. I will play with you.
Bonus, I am a female person.

What I found super strange about the whole thing was that it took place in a high school gym that was under construction. They even very specifically told us there was only one exit, and it was the way we had come in, up a very narrow corridor. Then he talked about how there had been threats of violence against him

Because I was sitting next to one. Also see the video at 15:12.

That gym was full mostly of progressives, liberals, and socialists. There were some Republicans sitting behind me but after muttering and griping about how we were treating Blum they cut out early. Iowa is a swing state, we went red this time but we’re poised to go super blue next in 2018.

Very little of that crowd voted for Blum or Trump. We were almost entirely progressives, independents, and socialists. Had he the brains to hold his town hall in Durango or Peosta he’d probably have gotten more of his own crowd showing up.

There were some Republicans in the crowd, but the ones sitting around me all left early. Mostly his “cherry picked” crowd were progressives, independents, socialists, etc. Iowa is a swing state and Dubuque County is almost always blue. The crazies took over this election cycle but we’re rallying and we’re gonna blow

Ok sure, then what’s a small, easily identifiable icon to represent sex? A heart? Maybe you don’t love the person you’re fucking. A smiley face? Maybe fucking gives you no happiness you are only doing it as a rote, compulsive behavior. A sperm? That’s as bad as a using man. The actual word sex? Well maybe the person

Is it bad to assume that someone would only need to track sex with men to determine whether they are pregnant? Heteronormative or not, the only kind of sex that gets you pregnant is sex between someone with female gametes and male gametes.

I love Blue Apron.

So now is it ok for me to say Hillary Clinton was a bad candidate and ran a bad campaign and that’s why she lost? Or does that still mean I’m a terrible feminist and no better than those who voted for 45? I’d just like to keep up with the current trends.

When my son was born we very quickly figured out we had to stop watching Breaking Bad and Walking Dead and just ended up re watching Parks and Rec on a continuous loop for like 3 years.

The correct way to do chores, in my mind, is daily. Not letting the sink fill up with dishes before deciding to empty the dishwasher and load it back up. Not waiting until you are completely out of clothes before doing laundry. Not living with a mess just because it’s not quite messy enough to trigger you to clean.

Except that’s a fun way to get yourself into my situation where I do 90% of everything because he just refuses to do anything well or in a timely way.

Meh. I use living proof conditioner so I thought I’d pick up the dry shampoo too. Smelled nice but otherwise worked just as well as Batiste at 4 times the price.

Meh. I use living proof conditioner so I thought I’d pick up the dry shampoo too. Smelled nice but otherwise worked

None at all of any age. :(

I have made my own gummies and this is something I’d be SUPES EXCITE to do except I’m a very old lady who has never bought pot in her life and has no idea how to even start thinking about how to do it. Can we get an article on that? Late in life pot purchasing?

My MIL used coconut oil infused with pot with her stomach cancer. Apparently it was quite helpful.

And you need to be a first time buyer

And you need to be a first time buyer

You seem cool.

I, an owl, saw it white and gold the very first second I saw it and then blue and black from then on. Every now and then if I caught it out of the corner of my eye it was white and gold, but quickly switched.