Triflers need not apply

This is why I like Fahrenheit too—it’s a very human scale. I suppose feet and inches are human too, which is why they’re hard to get rid of. Too familiar and friendly compared to the cold sterile math of metric.

(That’s not to say switching over to Metric doesn’t have its benefits.)

Look, I am an old crone with a heart that’s been replaced by a shriveled apricot pit who hates all things. But damn if that wasn’t genuinely sweet. They both seem so happy. :)

Haha today I attended a BLM march and rally in my home town. There was a TON of chatter on the facebooks about a counter protest which was going to gather across the street which talked all about their concealed carry permits and how they were going to “keep the peace” and make sure the BLM folks didn’t break the law

Removal is quick and easy. In fact, one of mine did it all by itself! Seriously just a tug like a tampon and its out.

Had such a prepubescent crush on Luke until I got into my tweens and discovered Han. Then, as a mom showing my kid Star Wars rediscovered Luke like HELLO esp. mature beardy Luke. All I can say is Mark Hamill can get it.

I work from home and really my main rule is “Don’t drink alcohol.” I may have a beer with lunch, but that’s really it. If you find your job genuinely interesting and engaging you don’t have to trick yourself into doing it.

Especially since all those “Get good sleep” recommendations include complete and total blackness in your room including blackout curtains. So I guess I’ll need to Doc Brown myself some curtains that open by themselves.

I have always found cookie dough sans baking soda to taste just not right. I always add it.

Nope. You gotta buy eggs that say Pasteurized on them.

HAHA so I’m watching this with my earphones in and suddenly there’s such a racket in the other room—I go in to find my cats killing a mouse. Wonderful little murder machines they are.

Agreed. It’s so much spookier if you can’t immediately write it off as fiction.

I warned my husband it was Jezzie Spooky Stories night and he promised to txt me when he was parking the car so as not to surprise me. Very kind of him.

I dunno. The other day my tiny dopey useless lovebug of a puppy got all weirded out, hiding behind a table and growl/barking in a really low weird tone for like 10 minutes. We kept trying to figure out what was causing it (neighbors? dog outside? the tv?) until I figured out her demon was the little pumpkin my kid had

Obviously the correct pairing for any of these is Three Buck Chuck.

I AM SO EXCITED This is my favorite annual tradition to get silly on wine and scare myself to death with these stories.

I am already committed to hating the new GBBO you can’t do this to me!

I think we’ve hit peak mindfuck in our media and have circled back around. What we see is what we get with this show: The employees are humans, the androids are androids, the man in black is a dude who wants every easter egg and achievement in this game. The twistiest twist this show could give us is that there is no

Nope. Archer, Community, and CExG are shows that know what they’re about right out the gate. If you haven’t fallen in love by now it’s just not for you.

I am always sleeping at my absolute best when I have a million heavy covers on me in a chilly room. Over layering FTW