Triflers need not apply

Yaaaaaaaaaaaas I have these all over my house they are the best ever.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaas I have these all over my house they are the best ever.

Yes 100% that’s my working theory. Started out as a marketing scheme and suddenly some dumb dumbs decided to join in, it got out of hand, marketing people “Um, oops....*walk away whistling*...”

These boots are my actual jam. I can’t wait until we have our first frost and I can wear them again without looking like a total loon.

These boots are my actual jam. I can’t wait until we have our first frost and I can wear them again without looking

My CNM assisted hospital birth still cost me way more than the insurance had quoted me. Since mt out of pocket was $5k they said that was the most it could cost. So I budgeted for it. Baby shows up..... they take from his out of pocket too. I complain, they say “The person who quoted you was wrong ¯\_(ツ)_/¯”.

The cheeks on these babies are literally killing me. I can’t even.

It helps that I’m 5'2" and can do the “big eyes smile sweetly” pretty well.

Yeah, though at my last job they would interrupt me when I was in the middle of a presentation, so eventually it had to circle back around to me. It wasn’t ideal, certainly.

After years of phone work and asshole male coworkers who were sure what they had to say was more important that mine, I 100% endorse the silence treatment. As soon as they start talking just stop. Right in the middle of the word if you can. Then stony silence, eye contact if possible, for a good few beats after they

My skin is weird and sensitive, so unless I have dirt or sticky residue or something on me I just hit the important bits: pits, ass, crotch, feet. FTR I have hairy legs and pits.

Well at least he didn’t illegally procure her some vaccinations. She could have gotten autism!

I know last time I was part of an interviewing team one of the interviewees started his small talk with “You know, I’ve been rejected for a lot of jobs lately for being over qualified, so...”

I just JUST started using micellar water and I love it. I never use moisturizer because I’m fairly oily, but have recently been told that I still need it anyway, so when I picked up the Garnier miceller water I grabbed a bottle of Garnier Clearly Brighter moisturizer and I LOVE IT. One pump all over my face and in a

Hey hey hey, don’t underplay Annabel’s accomplishments. She was also a phonebook model.

I liked the 2004 Hyundai very much. The Jetta was a ‘99 new body and suffice it to say I will NEVER buy a car the first year of a new model again.

I traded in my VW Jetta and got a Hyundai Accent. The Accent had a FAR lower amount of gas at “empty” than the Jetta. I ran out of gas going up a hill, luckily it was a very quiet street right in front of a dealership. I you have to run out of gas, I highly recommend doing it in front of a dealership. They drove the

Which is why we keep up their rabies shots even though they’re indoor cats. :)

QFT. Even my fat, lazy, mostly decorative old lady was still a hell of a mouser. When we had her put down finally our 145 year old home exploded with mice and it took a few months before the new kids figured the whole mousing thing out, but now they catch friggin’ bats. Amazing little murderers they are.

I have been working remotely from my home for almost a year now and I LOVE it. So great. The only downside is when I’m home it can be hard not to just jump in and do work when someone asks me something. Yesterday, for instance, I took my first sick day in forever but I was still watching my email and doing little

Looks like in a month or two I’ll be scouting for a nice factory refurbished Note 7...