Triflers need not apply

You gotta use Batiste! I tried the sprinkle stuff but my hair is too thick. Batiste’s spray is like a power jet and cuts right through to my scalp. It is best to spray it on the night before, lifting up your hair all over the scalp and spraying it at the roots, and then kind of massage it in. If you sleep on it you

Jackpot. We just repainted our dining room light lavender this winter.

I had a previous model, the 2014 model I think, and it was a LEMON. Best thing I can say for it was that the warranty was very good and they eventually replaced it with a newer model. My new one is great, the keyboard is a little shitty, but otherwise handles whatever I throw at it.

I had a previous model, the 2014 model I think, and it was a LEMON. Best thing I can say for it was that the

A friendly acquaintance of mine hosted a New Years party I attended. We all got nice and drunk and then went into his basement to play some motion capture dance game. After I was done dancing like freak I wandered over to where my husband was standing and he handed me an old, fairly fancy handgun which the party host

Yes, I don’t disagree that some breeds aren’t treated well. Which is why I advocate for responsible breeders. Because if you stop breeding dogs then 40 years down the road all we’ll have left are street dogs and mutts bred by idiots in their back yard. No one will know what those puppies will grow up to be. Where will

Some breeders are responsible. If we didn’t have good breeders we wouldn’t have breeds of dog, and all the benefits that come from knowing in general the size, needs, and behavior of the adult version of your new puppy. My puppy was bred by a responsible breeder and I’m already far happier with him than the other two

What are the rules for running into someone at the grocery store, saying hi and bye, and then running into them again in every single aisle? My current MO is to hide.

  1. Open Pocket Casts

Yessssss I am a huge evangelist for head harnesses for pull-y dogs. New 6.5 lb pup probably will never need one but had it for my last 40 lb puller and now won’t shut up about them.

I like my steaks less done than that one. The recipe said internal temp of 115, which seems really low for such a medium done steak?

I <3 my Mirena so hard. Not having a period is the best ever. Why on earth would it be valuable to me to bleed for a week and a half every 20-30 days?

This map highlights the living wage in each state, which in this case refers to the income needed to support two adults and one child.

So if two people are working you’ll need to factor in childcare? I guess?

Get it girl. Make use of that full vagina.

Wow 5? iI always found any more than 2 just foams up on the ice/booze/straw/whatever and leaks out. I go 1 early in the tank and 2 later.

OT but last night I was at a restaurant that had this playing on a tv and I never ONCE thought it was airing for the first time today. Like in my mind all Law and Orders are like automatically in syndication from the moment of their creation.

My kid’s first food was avocado. He loved it then and he loves it now. We just fed him whatever we were eating in tiny little pieces and he lived through it. One time we gave him tiny bits of steak and as soon at it was in his mouth he closed his eyes and started rocking his high chair back and fourth in a meat

Being pregnant is unpleasant. You can’t be true martyr if you don’t experience at least some physical unpleasantness.