Triflers need not apply

No chemicals at all? What an amazing invention! Tell me, what do these mops make the steam from, if not the chemical H2O?

No chemicals at all? What an amazing invention! Tell me, what do these mops make the steam from, if not the chemical

Which is why I eat my own damn food

Basically lol. Like pasta salad that’s just pasta, mayo, shitty white cheese, maybe some olives from a can. No seasoning, no flavor, no nutrition. Midwestern white people food.

I’ll happily depend on the cookery of those I know well and have seen their kitchens, or who are regularly visited by the food safety inspector. Marge in the front office who cuts her nails at her desk? Nope.

Yeah, from time to time a really basic sandwich is just what a person needs. But there is only so much ambrosia salad, white pasta salad, five layer dip, and other lazy midwestern cuisine a person can take.

This would work at my husband’s job, where people are young and cool and would make interesting food. I currently work at home, but my last job this would NOT have worked, since everyone working there were in at least their 50s and basically ate wonderbread sandwiches with american cheese and mayo every day. Bleagh.


My kid listens to my music now, but when he was a tiny baby we listened to Rockabye Baby. I had him with me at work, and he was in my mobi and I’d just put the earbuds down in my cleavage so we could both hear it and it soothed him, didn’t bug my workmates, and was pretty fun for me to listen to.

Unless it’s just crazy cold I’m a panties and pile on the blankets sleeper. I just can’t stand dealing with clothes at night, how do you keep stuff from riding up or twisting when you move or roll over?

Well, I got to 1:16 before I couldn’t listen to another second of that person’s voice.

Eeh. I drink The Famous Grouse. It comes in a handle. I doubt they’ll run out of that any time soon.

SAME! Why would anyone try to date Haley when the lovely Abigail is there, waiting to play videogames and dye her hair interesting colors with me? I was genuinely crushed when I was playing last night and I realized it was her birthday on Friday but I had already given her amethysts twice that week. I had been

But the thing is, the experiment was working. Watch the poor dude he kept shocking, he started guessing the correct cards, which is why Venkman stopped showing them to him.

A very good friend of mine drank chugged two glasses of wine and then went into the bathroom for her p-test. She figured it was her last chance. Kid’s fine, btw.

“Just imagine how much better he could have been if you had just put him ahead of your needing to get drunk!”

Tronald Dump?

Well I answered one of those ads that keep popping up in comment threads, you know “I made $2000 working form home last month!”

I’ve never freelanced, but I’ve thought really hard about it, and I decided every time to stay with employment. I just can’t deal with drumming up my own business, I would hate that.

Iowa: My house. I’ve been going to town on ramen lately. Got a fresh double batch of noodles in the freezer. Nom nom.

Let’s see: