Triflers need not apply

I know this doesn’t make me “cool” or “hip” or “down with the kids” or “on fleek” or “whatever” but I <3 Teen Titans Go.

Sometimes my husband and I just start singing this in the car.

Correct. Fee Brother’s Rhubarb Bitters is my current addiction.

I got a sodastream a while back because 1) I was tired of my water getting flat in the fridge after I opened it and 2) Water is heavy, why am I carrying all this fucking water in from the car when I have perfectly delicious water coming out of my faucets.

I guess? Though all the poodles I’ve ever met were tiny and mean like snakes, so I guess that’s more apt.

They had me at “Classiest thing ever built by a Muslim”. This thing is a work of pure beauty.


Do you ever feel like one of these days everyone else (actual adults doing actual adult things and experts about their jobs and hobbies) is suddenly going to realize that you’re just making it up as you go along and don’t really know anything and oh my god today might be that day, they are going to call me on my

Yup! It would probably be nice of you to tell them that’s your plan on the way in so they can put yours in an easy to locate place for you to get on the way out.

I’ve never been to a Rebub Iowa Caucus, but a Dem Iowa Caucus is a complete clusterfuck. I’m dreading/anticipating it tonight.

Dude, you can register on your way in and then tell them to give you back your card on the way out. That’s a 100% legit thing you can do.

Speaking from experience, if people only ever had kids when they were like 90% sure that they really do want them then the world would be a better place. I have family members who really just should not have had kids. I myself waited until I was suuuuper wanting a kid all of the time and he’s a wonderful, smart, sweet

So I always wanted kids in a “Someday I will have kids but not now seriously please not now” kind of way. I told my parents that I would decide to have a kid when I wanted one more than I wanted another kitten.

My biological clock was like a literal switch. A friend had had a baby and she was sweet and lovely and cute, but I was not like “OMG BABIES” or anything. And then about 18 months later I was driving and I saw a woman with a baby in one of those chest baby wearing things. All I could see of the baby was the fuzzy top

YUP. Web Application Developer here and I’m sure the front end guys at my company would agree with most points here, but I certainly don’t. No PHP/ASP.Net/ColdFusion etc language?

It’s not worth the Trump.

It’s been more than 4 years since I was pregnant and I can remember with crystal fucking clarity the weeks on end were I couldn’t eat until 8pm (due to *morning sickness* HA) and even then all I could safely consume was buttery, sour creamy, soft, warm mashed potatoes. This study can go fuck itself.

By Grabthar’s hammer, by the suns of Warvan, you shall be avenged.

I may never have leftover pastries, but I just found out the local bakery sells day old goods....nom nom nom nom

Meatsaber lol lol lol