Triflers need not apply

Unfamiliar microflora cause the problems for most travelers. As a resident you are most likely familiar with all the local microflora and it would make sense that you would be unaffected.

Right! I can either do a great job of educating my kid, or I can do a great job of doing my job, but not both at once.

You live your life and I’ll live mine. I want my child educated, enriched, socialized, and challenged far better than I possibly can on my own. Even if I stayed home with him all day and did not work I could never do as good a job with his education as his teachers do. They went to school to learn to educate children,

On a related tangent:
Do men, when telling folks they work from home, get asked whether they still send their kid to daycare? I’m getting tired of explaining that I have a legit actual job that is not something that I can do while also managing the education of a 4 year old. I’m not selling Jamberry.

I just started working from home recently, but I still take my kid to preschool every morning and pick him up in the afternoon instead of having my husband do it. I think it’s helpful. I need to be at least presentable enough for the other preschool moms and it is a nice way of defining my work and personal time.

....I didn’t realize until I read your comment...

Hey! My husband’s from Denison! Participated in Dead Donna Days too. :)

I thought it was #WEREMINDY and I was like “what, is there a full moon?”

Yes. I choose “never” but as some sort of set up to tear him down I’d def bang.

#1 for Happiest Baby on the Block. At least when I was trying to get my kid to sleep for hours every night he was calm and happy.

Maybe calling them “Unscheduled” pregnancies in those cases might make more sense?

We have plenty people. If some people who otherwise would have had an accidental child end up without having any children at all that’s a good thing. Should we also mourn all the children who never got the chance to grow up as plucky orphans because their mothers don’t die in labor any more?

Tell me more!

My very American grandmother got KICKED OUT of her Catholic church in the 70s when my grandfather died leaving her a kid in college and two at home to provide for all on her own and she was unable to tithe. This is 100% true.

Why take out the core? The core is the best part!

We’ve established the first week of every month as what we call “Pov’ Week” where we try really hard not to eat out, purchase anything unnecessary (including booze), don’t go anywhere that involves spending money, and generally live on a tight budget. We’ve actually stuck with it for a while, mostly because we’re

I very recently watched Toy Story 3 with my kid. I held it together. Then, the next day I was telling the plot to my mom and BROKE DOWN IN TEARS when I got to Woody (SPOILER) choosing to stay with his friend. UGLY CRYING. Also LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY at how ridiculous it was that was crying hysterically. Mom was

I <3 command hooks to an almost unhealthy degree. My husband’s reaction to me sticking them all over our house went from giddy excitement, to annoyance, to worry about my sanity, to finally now acceptance.

I <3 command hooks to an almost unhealthy degree. My husband’s reaction to me sticking them all over our house went


No, so maybe whether or not you got injured during an activity shouldn’t have forbearance on whether it’s a sport?