My husband broke his foot recently, does that make stubbing your toe in the dark a sport?
My husband broke his foot recently, does that make stubbing your toe in the dark a sport?
In my mind I am imaging that the cast is playing along, really having kick ass rehearsals and just sucking up to Trump every step of the way. “Don’t listen to the Haterz Trump! You’re the best! Vote Trump for Trump!” But it’s all a ruse, for when the night comes they will spring some kind of trap.
We get those books! They’re great! Not Your Typical Dragon is the best ever.
Ummmmmm if a guy in a subway whispers “Nice Armpits” into your ear, grab your mace because he planing to wear your skin as a suit.
This gif > everything
Well that is fucking terrifying as shit congratulations I’m never sleeping again where is the whiskey
When my kid was around 2 I was cuddling him at bedtime in the dark on his little floor mattress. He points over to the empty rocking chair in the corner and says “Grandma.” I said “What do you mean honey? Grandma is at home with Grandpa.” He points again and says “Grandma scary.”
Face in the window is literally one of my greatest fears. We had our house actually broken into, things stolen, car damaged in attempted theft, etc. After all of that people were asking me if I was terrified because of it and was like “Meh.” But if I have a window open to the dark and I can’t see any distinguishing…
It wasn’t a matter of breaking the seal for me, it was that when I inserted the cup the strings on the IUD were too long and it pulled on them.
So the kid gets bonked on the head. Now what do the employees do? Call an ambulance? Give him a band aid? What if they do the wrong thing? They shouldn’t be in a position to have to make medical decisions for a kid.
Yeah, that probably would have been good, but I had this really patriarchal doc who was very “Silly woman, the strings are fine.” I did not get a new one inserted by him when it popped out a few weeks later.
OOoooh, do not use a cup AND an IUD. I dislodged my second one that way (I think the strings were too long and the cup pulled them).
That was not my experience. I had one pre-kid and two post kid and they were all painful as hell at insertion—but after I was only as crampy as a bad period and still able to function. Not trying to discount your experience, just adding mine to the pile.
Yes, let the lime flow through the coconut. Only then shall you drink it all up.
They had a pretty great regular trivia game during FAC. I won a tshirt or two.
Oh no! I just did a google and found out Jake’s is closed! Now I’m sad.
How did I know this had something to do with the Column? Home base of bad decisions. That and One Eyed Jake’s.
It’s actually a thing:…
There’s still Faris/Pratt! True love still exists!
My husband does this:… and it’s pretty baller. Also works with lamb chops.