Triflers need not apply

Maybe someday we can live in a country where these poor Christians aren’t so persecuted? Maybe, just maybe, someday an elected official might have the courage to stand up and admit that they are Christian! I mean, not like the president, but maybe a county clerk or someone low level like that?

Ok, then I guess your roommate is just an asshole. Assholes will be assholes about anything, including your religion, how you eat your food, and how you park.

When she told you she doesn’t understand how anyone goes to church was it after you told her she should really go to church with you again? When she made fun of your retreat was it after the fourth time you said how it was so wonderful to feel such a connection with God among so many other saved souls and gosh

Call me crazy, but I have a really hard time believing there is a Christian in the US who is being super judged by their friends just for being Christian. I have known Christians who say they feel they have to hide their Christianity and I internally roll my eyes at them and their “plight”.

The FB parenting group for my town is redonk. Super sexist, super into alt med, suuuuper antivax, super judgey. I joined to find an in-home daycare and then flamed out hard, metaphorical double birds flying.

There must be a way to disable it when you and your friend break up, right? Can you imagine the hearbreak of seeing your best friend walk near you and your bracelet just doesn’t do the thing? Having been a teenage girl I can totally imagine it.

Because the commercial is trying to make you think that the transition from red to blonde was something you could accomplish at home with one use from their product. They’re saying “Take this redhead and a box of Clairol and she’ll be blonde!” where what really happened was they took a blonde, let her artificially red

I had a window of about a month in between early pregnancy “morning all fucking day until literally 8pm when I could stomach some mashed potatoes” sickness and late pregnancy “baby is either sitting on my stomach or bladder so I can either eat a meal or hold my pee for more than 30 minutes” so I lost weight for the

My nails are wrecked. I’ve gnawed on them and the cuticles for literally as long as I can remember. Every so often I get super motivated and take really good care of them and let them grow, but my nail beds are so short now that they don’t grow very nice and get crap under them and I just give up and eventually

Ok, I have that dog leash. Or at least a very similar dog leash. It was purchased at least 10 years ago for probably less than $20. It’s a very good dog leash, but not $89 good.

My wedding had a buffet of fried chicken and veggie lasagna and multiple flavors of cheesecake instead of a normal cake. It was baller and anyone who disses your choice should be left of the list. BOOM.

Best ingredient on a crunchy granola hippie snack was “Crystallized cane juice”. I was mean sugar? Like straight up that’s exactly what sugar is?

How do you feel about abortion in the case of rape? Should a woman be forced to carry a rapist’s child?

And if she does end up pulling the sick with a headache hanging out in the guest room a couple of times, that will end up a pretty boring lonely time. Much better to fake sick and hang out at home so you can do the things you want to do.

Found her!

But not having to scoop the poop was literally the best thing about being pregnant. 10 whole months of no poop scooping...heaven...

That’s exactly it. “How dare you think of yourself or indulge your own desires! Don’t you understand you are a mother now?”

Newborns are very squishy and small and cute, but not very fun. I tell every new parent I know that newborns are difficult and kind of boring, and that’s ok. I spent way too much time worrying that I wasn’t cherishing the time I had with my newborn enough and driving myself to depression because it kind of sucked.