Triflers need not apply

I like to wait to buckle my kid into his car seat until I’m at the end of the block. Feels better to me than buckling him in right when I put him in the car.

I am trying to get work done at work and you come in with this gif? Now I have to watch this for an hour and let all my deadlines pass by. I hope you’re happy.

I’m 5’2”, I can deal. :D

I am not generally attracted to Danny Castellano, but I literally can’t stop thinking about that kiss in the rain.

The “aborted fetus” was purchased stock footage. Whatever was discussed certainly wasn’t about that fetus (lie 1). Also Planned Parenthood received money for the cost of acquiring and transporting the fetal tissue, yes, but not more than the actual cost of the procedures and transportation. The Vox article may not go

Upon review I see that I was attempting to parry bra55orchid, not you. Mea Culpa, I am still getting used to the new commenting formatting.

Yes, I saw it. It moved. It’s also stock footage from either Center for Bioethical Reform or the Grantham Collection, and not a video taken at a Planned Parenthood. It’s already been proven that the makers of these videos stole pictures of a stillborn fetus to incorporate into their videos as an “aborted fetus” and

As regards Planned Parenthood, anyone who has watched this videotape, I dare Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama to watch these tapes. Watch a fully formed fetus on the table, its heart beating, its legs kicking while someone says we have to keep it alive to harvest its brain.”

Have you read the article above? Because it very clearly states that there is nothing in it that is remotely like what Fiorina is describing.

I guess I just don’t understand why these people can’t be held accountable for their lies. I mean, Fiorina is straight up slandering Planned Parenthood and nothing is going to be done to stop her or make her walk it back.

You joke, but honey has been shown to work just as well as Dextromethorphan for cough. When folks in my house (including my kid once he aged past 12 months) get a cold we all drink gallons of hot water with honey and lemon juice added. The grown ups sometimes add the whiskey, when necessary. I like to add some

Ugh. I went to Iowa and I remember girls straight up pissing on the floor of the bar I was at. Sometimes it got on my shoes. Dirty, drunk, disgusting bitches. Is it just an Iowa thing? I don’t know.

There’s really only one way to find out!

And then, apparently, float it in a puddle of butter. Yum. <—Completely non-sarcastic, butter makes everything better. Butter is my favorite food.

My husband just put the chicken (or pork, or beef, or duck....oh man is duck stock good...anyway) parts in the crock pot with some veg and herbs and lets it cook away for a couple days, adding water as needed. Turns out great and makes the whole house smell awesome all weekend.

No one is saying “Don’t promote breastfeeding.” We are saying “Stop telling frightened, stressed out, sleep deprived parents that giving formula is going to irrepressibly damage their child or their parent child bond.”

I did mean it, I very much wanted to give my kid a bottle because I knew he wasn’t getting anything from me and I wanted him to be fed. But I put my trust in the lactation nurses, and that was a mistake.

Formula is “not the best”, sure. And mom not wearing their child 100% of the time is “not the best”. And putting your child in a car is “not the best”. And letting your child eat sugar and candy instead of kale chips is “not the best”. There are a ton of choices you have to make as a parent and you can drive yourself