Triflers need not apply

My own bag of vomit. Not so much the bag itself, I was rather proud of how well I had handled the situation (Patton Owswalt’s standup came to mind), but more that I totally told the flight attendant “hey, I have some garbage here” and she was like “Hey, cool your tits, we’re not collecting garbage right now.” Now, I

I agree with the other posters: Plz to asplain.

It’s a cute, non threatening nickname for pit bulls.

Yup, same here. Auto pay, set it and forget it.

Here to help. I had five of the little buggers, they’re awesome.

Do not be afraid of the rat! They get really big, and even when they are wee they are very solid. A rat at take home age is larger than a full grown hamster, and they end up a little smaller than a guinea pig. Also, rats are very chill (unlike any other “pocket” pet) and will be totally cool hanging out with you, so

Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall

I’ve stopped ordering steak at restaurants any more, since we make them so well at home. The other week I was at one of my favorite restaurants and was like “This lady knows how to fucking cook, I’ma get off my high horse and order a damn steak!” It was...fine. Not great. Sticking to my guns from now on.

I don’t have first hand knowledge of any kind of telemedicine, but as an Iowan I’ve heard plenty about it. You still have to go to a clinic or Planned Parenthood to get the drugs, so I’m assuming the followup would be done with that clinic.

That was a rollercoaster ride from start to finish. 10/10

Every now and then Iowa gets it right. :) Yay us.

I’m generally the kind of dick who doesn’t watch reality TV, donates to NPR, etc. I even used to listen to Wait Wait every week, I kind of stopped after Karl left. So when I hears about this uproar over Kim K, I decided to listen.

Guise, I’m kind of in love with Kim K now.

They mentioned at least once that Donna has other sources of income and Tom is *deeply* in debt.

We both worked at the same awful place, and would try to have our lunches together. We were walking around the awful parking lot during our lunch, talking, and I just said “Hey, do you want to get married?” He said “Yeah. OH WAIT I was going to ask your dad!” That night we had dinner with my parents with the plan that

LOVE IT. I had tried other stuff before and was so disillusioned, but this is the straight up bomb. I am able to wash every other day now, I preemptively spray my bangs in the morning to keep the greasies away, and I even carry a mini can in my purse for emergencies.

LOVE IT. I had tried other stuff before and was so disillusioned, but this is the straight up bomb. I am able to

And The Good Guys!!! LETS BUST SOME PUNKS!!!

BOOM. Ditto. I don’t know if other “sensitive” brands would work for me, because as soon as I found this one and my armpits stopped breaking out I was a buyer for life.

BOOM. Ditto. I don’t know if other “sensitive” brands would work for me, because as soon as I found this one and my

I agree with this thread! I am a parent and that top cowgirl pic was not great. The second was cute!

I’ve never had an OB-GYN, PA, or CNP give a shit about my libido problems, male or female. Just a shrug and an “Oh well.” One told me I had been hyper sexual as a teen and was now back to normal, the “normal” of not having a sex drive. THANKS.

Um, you know how on a normal vagina the cervix sits up at the top like the eyepiece on a pirate’s telescope? Mine juts in from the side like the eyepiece on a fancy scientific telescope.