Triflers need not apply

I got a Humane Society dog, and with her a pack of lies. Near the top of the list was “She’s mostly housebroken! Might take a few weeks for her to get the hang of your routine, but she’s mostly there!”

Ha. Wherever she lived before she was obviously never let outside because all she wants to do is pee and poop on my

My husband and I have one child, and I really don't see us adding another to the mix. As the post mentioned, we both feel like we hit it out of the park with our little guy, so why screw that up? Also, being pregnant is at the very bottom of my list of things to try again.

SimAnt 4 Lyfe

So I loved my Mirena with a passion, but when I got the next one after I had my son it fell out. Fell out. Yeah.

I disagree. If I scrubbed every inch of my skin I'd be an itchy, flaky, raw mess in days. I hit the highlights with gentle castile soap and let the water take care of the rest. My arm/stomach/knee doesn't get sweaty, diry, smelly, doesn't have skin flaking off, so why should I soap it up every day?

I was really pleasantly surprised by her in this episode. The awkward monologue did not instill me with hope, but once she got to the actual acting she was very enjoyable and funny. And the show itself was really on target, one of the funniest I've seen in a while. Maybe they're all energized from the 40th special?


Context: I live in the Midwest and I do acknowledge that the majority of folks here aren't major foodies. Quantity over quality and all that. I try to eat at the weird little ethnic restaurants, the places that change their menu according to season, etc, and I do fine. But, I am always aware that in order for those

I baked my bacon as well...until I started putting it in the waffle iron.

If I catch it out of the corner of my eye as I'm scrolling the page, it's white and dingy gold. Then, as I'm looking at it, it morphs into black and blue. I can't get it to morph back. Really interesting and weird.

I did like Outlander, I read it a while ago. Didn't realize it qualified as romance. I should pick up a sequel.

I read The Raven Prince and I'm just finishing up A Rogue by Any Other Name. Both Regencies womp womp. I really like Jane Austen, so I thought Regencies would be a good place to start...

So, I tried to get into reading romance lately. I was like "Hey, maybe not everything you read needs to be in a post-apocalyptic dystopia!" And the gals at made some good points about how this is a genre by women for women and it's empowering and feminist and stuff, so I picked up a couple

I just rice with ACT after brushing and get my fluoride that way.

Tell them not to shampoo you then! I always ask if they have SLS free shampoo, and if not I ask for conditioner only.

I use Bronners as shampoo and then rinse with dilute Apple Cider vinegar. The baking soda routine never really worked for me, but this works really well. Rose Bronners works better than Mint Bronners, no idea why.

Might be worth trying to sulfate-free the rest of your products. I was on SLS free toothpaste for years before I was like "Hey, maybe my skin is itchy and dry and also somehow oily all the time because my skin is also anti-SLS?" Been off sulfates for years now and my skin is so much happier.

I totally get all of this and know that SLS and other sulfates are, for most folks, totally a-ok and fine. HOWEVER, I am not one of those lucky folks, and kind of appreciate all this hysteria about sulfates, since now when I get my hair done they have sulfate free products to use on me.

(If anyone wants tips on living

I was discussing this with friends yesterday and we were cracking each other up over the idea that he would hand over his "first edition Iliad" and it would just be a tiny old greek man.

All cats, even when they don't really like each other, will always create a kitty pile when it gets cold enough. I've had plenty sets of cats who would get over hating each other when it dipped below 60F inside.

I had just gotten tired of my stupid tea steeping device at work and was googling "Better tea pot" the *very hour* after the first post was up. I got a FORLIFE Stump right away. It showed up just now, and I'm drinking my very first cuppa—-and it's wonderful. THANKS!

I had just gotten tired of my stupid tea steeping device at work and was googling "Better tea pot" the *very hour*