I am increasingly concerned about that lit candle. They seem ready to knock it down at any moment.
I am increasingly concerned about that lit candle. They seem ready to knock it down at any moment.
I never watch the Bachelor, so I can't exactly boycott it, but they are jerks and I'll tell you why. They told a friend of mine they were going to use her farm and barn for one of their final destination trips or whatever and she spent a bunch of time and money getting the place ready and at the last moment they said…
Oh, Allison Williams' fiancee?
Oh! Oh! I know what that is! It's a weird leftover bit of a gill from when we used to be fish! I just watched this the other day: http://www.pbs.org/your-inner-fis…
Oh! Oh! I know what that is! It's a weird leftover bit of a gill from when we used to be fish! I just watched this the other day: http://www.pbs.org/your-inner-fis…
There's no way anyone is going to see this, but I think it will be cathartic:
One year my MIL "gifted" us one of those Amish fake fireplace heaters. Allow me to paint you a picture:
MIL decided to move to Mexico late in the year and bought two of these heaters from a catalog to bring along. To Mexico. Heaters. To…
Now I desperately want to see some religious-themed Ermahgerd memes.
So did you file a police report?
Must try. I <3 Kraken
Babies are awesome and I'm so excited for you to be making your own! It took me a damn year to conceive after getting off my Mirena, so don't get discouraged if it takes a while!
Go for it, she's adorbs. She's not part Corgi, because she is TINY, just 8 lbs. Our best guess is Dorkie, dachshund and yorkie, but that doggie in the header looks REALLY close.
PS, that's from two months ago when we first brought her home. She looks way happier now, but in pics she's either running around like a mad dog or curled up asleep, so pics don't show her face as well.
They are both just too damn adorable.
Why would he do anything differently? He got a 2 month vacation, got married, and now will be able to live off book deals and being a guest speaker. Zero negative consequences for this guy.
I got the Philips HF3500/60, and though it's not been life changing I have been waking up feeling like it's not killing me to get out of bed. So that's a plus. I do wish I could turn the LED numbers off completely and have it just turn on the light not the alarm...but otherwise it's a nice improvement of my morning.
I got the Philips HF3500/60, and though it's not been life changing I have been waking up feeling like it's not…
Pretty much my favorite animal.