
This is hilarious! The SS and Malibu are so bland, so un-apologetically lifeless. Heck, they make Kia’s look exotic.

“your problem is gross hypocrisy. Massive hypocrisy. Despicable hypocrisy. You are gay and that’s fine. You are a hypocrite - and that is NOT.”

Props to this girl for not letting up! The goons in DC need more accountability like this, and if they can’t even answer a Yes or No question they shouldn’t be re-elected!

I was so sad when I discovered the Model 3 wouldn’t have any kind of gauge cluster. Apparently they weren’t thinking of, you know, people who actually LIKE cars in mind when designing it. But hey, here’s a massive touchscreen that controls your vents!

That American dog food tweet just about killed me!! Also, what the heck is up with Michael B Jordan’s face in that photo at the top? “Give me pouty lips. ANGRIER POUTY LIPS. Perfect.” CLICK.

Entertaining read, and surprisingly insightful. However, I can’t overlook the fact that if a guy wrote a similar piece detailing the different categories(?) of girls he’d had sex with the backlash would be cataclysmic.

Well, maybe it’s the worst in MODERN U.S. history, i.e., the last 100 years.

That’s their prerogative, they just need to take responsibility for and accept the physical and emotional risks that seem to accompany that kind of behavior.

My god, someone with a well-thought out, well-written post with an opinion that conflicts with TheRoot and you didn’t get grayed???

Why don’t you like it, Sally? What, specifically, about the memo is immoral or incorrect or misconstrued or malicious? Is it because his opinions (and his evidence) don’t align with your politics? Then why not try and rebut his points, you know, in an INTELLECTUAL manner, instead of just saying “I don’t like it”.

Why were they trash? How is the evidence he presented inaccurate or insufficient or misinterpreted? I think you, like all of the media, misunderstand the meaning of “intellectually addressing”.

I’m not a gun nut, and I think all lobbyist and special interests should be kicked out of D.C., but how exactly is the NRA (or politicians who received contributions from the NRA) responsible for this shooting?

Isn’t this just weeding out people who re-use weak passwords?

Did you even read the Google memo? Geez. Rather than actually INTELLECTUALLY addressing each of Damore’s points, let’s just brand him a sexist and ignore his actual arguments. Well done.

Simple: band-aid companies picked a color that matches the majority of the populations’ skin tone. AND ALSO WHITE PRIVILEGE OMGGGGGG

Excellent suggestions! More articles like this please!

When there just isn’t enough victim-hood or virtue signaling to go around, you start attacking your own. Well done.

Not sure what the point of this article was, except to further reinforce the stereotype that “conservative” is synonymous with dumb, ignorant and racist. Well done. This is the other reason why politics in America are so polarized.

Well, if you’re looking for proportional representation, LGBTQ people make up like 3-4% of the population, so based on that... last year there were way too many friggin LGBTQ people in movies! (18% of movies) On the other hand, Hispanics and Latinos make up almost 20% of the population, but I don’t see them

Throwing around terms like “white supremacist” and “Nazi” and “fascist” doesn’t actually accomplish anything, other than watering down the definitions of those terms.