lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.
lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.
lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.
lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.
This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.
This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.
I will admit that I was pretty impressed by the massage therapist who draped the sheet in such a way to expose my leg, but NOT my butt (because a pre-maturely exposed butt is a cold butt, and a cold butt is an unhappy butt), then re-draped it to expose my butt but NOT my genitals.
Re: Actually, the New England Historical Society’s Chris Child’s alludes to a document that has never been seen or verified, so his findings are bunk.
Eh, the main gentrifying force is stuff like grocery stores and decent schools, thing the current citizenry needs anyway, and economically mixed communities are the historical norm. While the process of diversification does mean a certain amount of dispersal is the community is insistent on denying any increase in…
To be honest, before this article I never gave any thought to the idea “gentrification” being taken as a negative thing. I’m shocked people think it’s outright offensive. Still not sure it’s inherently racist or classist. Maybe it is. Maybe it’s a trigger word for some people? Or maybe we live in a society where it’s…
in my opinion this is why the SS failed.
If you crash your car you lost control of it.
Stay in control of the car that you, the driver, have been put in control of
A croc/Birkenstocks with socks kinda gal who doesn’t know why anyone would want to drive and can kill the fun in any conversation with her beige personality.
She’s about 20 years too young to be an Element driver. Maybe one of those new HR-Vs or Toyota CH-Rs.
Eh, she probably drives a silver Corolla.
We really need more civics classes and civic engagement workshops in high schools. There are so many young people that would be incredible lawmakers and representatives, but in additon to funding issues, we lack forums that actively ENCOURAGE them to run for office and reinforce the notion that they actually can make…
My local school board has student board members, and I routinely see them showing more leadership, and certainly more courage, than our elected officials.
Sounds more like an assigned bot.
HEY NOW! They’re against... ahhhhh.... *consults your list*
@KamWrex: Bottled water is 'filtered' by rocks, rocks are shat on by birds. I wonder what's more clean?