
sure Jan.

“lol” replaces periods in sentences to help soften statements

Don’t rule out the power of the placebo effect. For something as frequent and often ephemeral as the common cold, simply believing you’re feeling better can be enough.

OTOH, Newton, a clear-cut Top-3 scientist of all-time, was an ardent believer in alchemy and probably died from mercury poisoning. Be wary of arguments from authority.

I would guess that they mitigate symptoms in the same way sucking on any lozenge or sipping on a beverage would mitigate the same symptoms. Lozenges make me feel better, but I think that’s probably because of increased salivation and frequent swallowing, and possibly also because the taste is pleasantly distracting.

lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.

lol loonies aren’t real money, silly canadian.

This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.

This is such an amazing post. Thanks Shep.

Technically, isn’t the signature a forgery since it was “signed” by the tattoo artist?

You’re reading the remarks of a person intelligent enough to recognize when a situation is complex and morally unclear. He argues both sides of the coin and the overall scenario is put forward as complex, and uncertain - all of which is true. It was well handled in the hospital too - they had a dilemma, took the

1) Bowman is a bioethicist, not a doctor.

They should have revived him,cause he may have had regrets:

Super Volcanoes Are a Bigger Threat Than We Thought

step one: trump appoints some guy who owns an energy company to top gov position.

step two: all national parks are open for drilling and fracking.

step three: super volcano blows due to fracking. —humanity dies.

Don’t skip February! Black Panther looks like the SHIT!

What? No Guardians? Where are the Guardians? I thought this was supposed to have—(“who the hell are you guys?”)—AHHHHH!

I will admit that I was pretty impressed by the massage therapist who draped the sheet in such a way to expose my leg, but NOT my butt (because a pre-maturely exposed butt is a cold butt, and a cold butt is an unhappy butt), then re-draped it to expose my butt but NOT my genitals.

So he’s basically calling conservatives Nazis. I get it, Nazis are conservative, but not all conservatives are Nazis. He also is muddying the definition of “free internet” when speaking about net neutrality. I think he’s trying to play the freedom card to make people believe that getting rid of net neutrality means

Re: Actually, the New England Historical Society’s Chris Child’s alludes to a document that has never been seen or verified, so his findings are bunk.

@KamWrex: Bottled water is 'filtered' by rocks, rocks are shat on by birds. I wonder what's more clean?