
If you were paying attention (like in school, which I’m guessing you’re still in based on your vocabulary), I brought up Hillary in response to the assertion that Trump won because of white supremacy. White people voted for both Trump and Clinton. Trump won partly because of the lack of turnout of certain demographics

I see evidence of him being a bigot and racist, but not specifically a white supremacist. I have a pretty high threshold of doubt to overcome before labeling people things like that.

Must be a slow news day. Next up - how many national monuments are secretly racist?

I think that is only when you make unfounded generalizations about entire group of people based on skin color, such as “all which people are racist”.

You continue to refuse any acknowledgement of responsibility on the woman’s part, which just shows how naive or simple-minded you are. Two parties can both be responsible at the same time.

My point is that I can’t prove it. There is evidence to infer it, but nothing so concrete that I’d have enough confidence to bet my career on it. I think he’s a bigot, and probably racist to some degree. But I also think he cares less about people other than himself (or even policy) than people give him credit for. He

Where the hell did you get the segue for that line of thinking? Are you being sarcastic? If not, are you implying that the only acceptable lifestyles for women are either acting like a cheap whore on Tinder or wearing a burka and living under Sharia? So many questions.

Methinks your comments are not so marvelous. Next time you comment, maybe actually say something substantive? Or just stick to posts about motorcycles.

Should be pointed out that this is a 5400 RPM mechanical drive. You’re never going to get NEAR the max theoretical speeds of USB 3.0, or the ridiculous “up to 5 Gb/s” advertised on the Amazon page.

Should be pointed out that this is a 5400 RPM mechanical drive. You’re never going to get NEAR the max theoretical

Is Trump an asshole? I’d bet money on it. Is he a white supremacist? I don’t have enough evidence to feel confident screaming it from the biggest social media platform in the world.

Aww, too bad she doesn’t have a conscience and can’t make decisions for herself. Curse you society and your pressures!

“we have built a sex culture as having only one ethical rule, which is consent.”
You hit the nail on the freaking head.

Oh please, the problem is not “society” or the perils of “gender stereotypes”. That is about as tangible as a fart in a windstorm. The problem is individuals, who happen to be fucking adults, failing to make good decisions and not taking responsibility for their actions.

I think it is circular in how both men AND women (*gasp!*) perpetuate it in the U.S. Guys who are sexually aggressive (like the creep in the main story) target vulnerable/shallow/slutty girls; girls are slutty because they want to attract guys; chaos ensues. And yes, I consider going back to a guy’s place for “just a

Can we get more details of this klaxon-level issue? Like, by how much is it being underfunded? Are we talking 1% nation-wide, or 30%? What are the estimated tolerances in the reported numbers? How many people are estimated to be undercounted as a result of underfunding? Is there tangible impact of underfunding in the

Haha, it’s like its your first time writing in the comments or something. You clearly can’t read complex sentences. Oh, and I’m sure you know how “most rapes happen”. Yes, show me the surveys and statistical data on how those happen.


Not showcasing her victim-hood because of the color of her skin? Not black enough!!

These are some of the dumbest fucking complaints I’ve ever encountered. Man, your fav cuban coffee shop got bought out? Fucking STRUGGLES man!

Oh Michael Harriot. I come on here just to read whatever racist insanity you’re spewing, and pity all the idiots in the comments who agree with you. From this article, you’re the kind of person who would prefer ghettos, high-crime, crappy schools, trashy corner stores, and crumbling infrastructure if only to retain