I would definitely watch a show where DJ and Kimmy are married to each other and have three adorable boys.
First of all, this article is important, and so are the comments. I hope these are saved, and collected, and put together into more articles, and used, and referred back to. I know I’m going to save myself a link to this discussion, so I can use it as an example for eons to come.
Because really, this is going to be…
via XKCD.
Did I mention that i’m going to Indiana for some naked dancing soon? I am now!
Oh, the fucking handshakes! I don’t think I’ve ever gotten to shake hands with a man in a business context without him stopping to say some condescending shit like “Oh ho ho, what a firm grip you have!” like I’m a particularly clever toddler who just demonstrated she knows how to use a light-switch. For older guys…
I second the second paragraph. I am always asked to set up for meetings and clean up after people even though it’s not my job. The men in my office NEVER have to do any of this, just us women.
I work in education, specifically special education, so this isn’t usually an issue at my school site, though I have seen instances where, say, a male psychologist on the team insists that he is the only person who makes eligibility decisions, when in fact those are team decisions.
I work for a big utility company in a technical position, and I am one of 6 women in a group of over 30 people. The majority of the company’s 23,000 employees are male, and the overwhelming majority of women in the company work in administrative support, clerical, or other non-technical roles. The culture can be…
I just found out a guy I know in a professional capacity and had always assumed was a few years ahead of me is, in fact, a few years younger without relevant professional experience! But, he talks like a Dad, like he’s got all this relevant life experience, you know what I mean? So here I’ve been listening to…
"Cholo" is a pejorative term, an ethnic slur. Similar to other racist names, Latinos took to using it amongst themselves to reduce the "power" of the insult. As a Mexi-American, Tisci making that comment is offensive.
Why can't we just declare open season on elephant poachers? I've always wanted me some gen-you-eine poacher enamel.
By flinging it across the room at them.
I dunno... maybe she just shouldn't have swallowed that IUD in the first place.
This is infuriating on a couple levels. I am of the opinion that it would not be okay to do this to her even if she was struggling with only anxiety.
Shorter version, if you just want the list of the list of what she says are "Eight things developers can do to make games less shitty for women", paraphrased from my notes... not that a lot of this pertain to action games and probably make more sense if you're thinking about first and third-person shooters, the Arkham…
Never, ever read the ESPN articles. It's bad for your mental health.
Never, ever read the comments on ESPN articles. It's bad for your mental health.