
First of all, this article is important, and so are the comments. I hope these are saved, and collected, and put together into more articles, and used, and referred back to. I know I’m going to save myself a link to this discussion, so I can use it as an example for eons to come.

Because really, this is going to be

Puppeteering Uteruses is definitely my new band name. Brill.

How are people still booking That Fucking Rapist Bill Cosby?? (<—-new official name) Heartfelt thanks to the protesters and guy who called him out. I think I'm officially pro-assassination at this point.

Well assumed. It's almost like there's not huge variation in basic rights across western democracies. As I understand it, our hate speech laws and human rights code are a little more restrictive on free speech. But it's not a first amendment right up here, it's a section 2 right (2b, to be specific).

I'm Canadian born and raised, and I don't get it either. That thin skin of petroleum from the fake milk in the coffee? Just no.

Lost mine to a rapist, so there's that...

The only consolation I can offer is that it gets better! I'm about 4 years in, and everything is peachy now, but that first year was rough period and skin-wise.

Our fucking Justice Minister up here in Canuck land went on in parliament about how we will never know why these women were killed, if you can believe that. The killer left a detailed letter, but because the CONS are in office, the official line is we'll never know. Fml.

He showed the video to CBC execs. So it's known to exist.

I'm not so sure - call me an optimist if you must - but they have video of him strangling someone, which in Canada is not something you even can consent to legally.

You'll need a battery (w/ charger...) and tank, and in most, extra atomizers, as they last 2ish weeks. Many places sell a starter kit that contains those basics, but they can also be of shit quality, so if you're sure you want to buy a decent vape, I'd buy the parts. Mine's a vapeonly, and it's great. Google for a

Because they are trained by our culture to do those things, hence counter training is needed. That's not sexism, it's practical. Then, we teach girls not to do the harmful things they get taught too - like not saying no when they mean yes, not going along with the boys, etc.

The pic at 0:43 in the video is a good example of what's wrong with this. The nudes are not appropriate, and her pained expression for sure plays off porn that victimizes children. Ugh.

Ditto. Can't, because thinking of them makes me think of their crimes. Burn them all to the ground.

Upcoming netflix project?! I hope that's a joke. If not, we need an email (or w/e) campaign on netflix to get that shit cancelled. This serial rapist must not be given a) more fame or attention nor, more importantly, b) positions of power (e.g. star of the show). Those are things that enabled him! He should be afraid

Oh yes, because we automatically presumed Jian Gomeshi, Woody Allen, Roman Polanski, Marion Zimmer Bradley, and Jimmy Page (etc etc etc) were innocent, right? NOPE!

As I noted above, Between 2 and 8 percent of allegations like this are false. Taking the high point of 8%, considering thirteen women have come forward, the probability that all of them are false allegations is around 0.00000000000000000000000000054975581. You're defending a rapist on the less than one one millionth

Between 2 and 8 percent of allegations like this are false. Taking the high point of 8%, considering thirteen women have come forward, the probability that all of them are false allegations is around 0.00000000000000000000000000054975581. If those odds of his innocence are good enough that you don't mind throwing a

Not all men accused of rape are rapists, but 92-98% are, and that's good enough for me. Add that to the fact that it's 9 or so women in the Gomeshi case and at least a dozen in the Cosby case, and you get something like a 0.000000032% chance that it's all fabrication. I wouldn't buy a lottery ticket on those odds, let

More than a dozen separate false allegations is not a thing that happens, so we can nip that speculation game right in the bud.
I'm baffled anyone books him, hes a gross fucking serial rapist.