When I was quite young I rode on a train to North Dakota, to visit my sister. For some reason my mom told me all about the time my sister had lice, how long they took to cure, how ugly they were, etc. So that I go to sleep on the train...
When I was quite young I rode on a train to North Dakota, to visit my sister. For some reason my mom told me all about the time my sister had lice, how long they took to cure, how ugly they were, etc. So that I go to sleep on the train...
I’m glad I held off on buying...I’ve noticed there only seems to be four or five creature types. Everyone’s discoveries look pretty much the same. Once you’ve seen one bouncing dildo or horse with a duck face, you’ve pretty much seen them all. I’m disappointed there aren’t critters that really stand out
Wow...insulting much? I don’t even know if my cat is black, white, or purple. I don’t see color, unlike SOME people
About the one thing that every layperson knows is that the baby is supposed to come OUT, not in. Like, how do you mess that up?
I’ve always thought that viewpoint was odd. Abortion is murder!...except when if the woman was raped, in which case it suddenly isn’t. But then I’ve seen pro-choice people who think abortion should be legal, but also judge a woman’s reasons for the choice. If abortion is just the removal of cells, then the choice is…
For you, perhaps. I can’t play games with no story.. even hated Mario Bros back when I was a kid. Just like I hated shows like Looney Tunes. Different strokes
Still, I’m curious why he opted to do this in public. He must have realized he would be seen and that there would be consequences. Most animal abusers either abuse their own pets or aren’t quite so blatant and, well, theatrical about it.
Since bias is pretty much impossible to remove and has been shown to affect sentencing for other crimes...wouldn’t ALL trials be unconstitutional?
Well, in a way it isn’t really that different. So far as the lip reading goes...that really isn’t that terribly useful a skill and most people aren’t able to learn it to a degree that it’s really effective for them. It just doesn’t work like it does in the movies. Now, that doesn’t mean your aunt has any excuse for…
Sadly, common. There’s a trend of parents of deaf kids trying to more or less ignore their child’s deafness and force them to interact with the world as if they were hearing. This is part of the controversy with cochlear implants. A child with an implant still has limited hearing and may benefit or find it easier to…
Not to mention we EAT lambs. And there are plenty of disabled lambs living and thriving as pets. Fuck, he couldn’t think up a decent metaphor
I don’t see the point of letting her out. When it comes to violent offenders...we have billions of people on this planet. We’ll suffer no loss from not including her in society. Society, on the other hand, is put at risk by her release, even if chances of reoffending are slim.
True. Physics, however, has the final say. If you are traveling at a rate of speed too fast to reasonably react to the unexpected, then you’re driving dangerously. Physics doesn’t care how skilled you think you are. And the unexpected can happen on any road with other drivers...it may be more likely to happen on…
Hey, I’ve got no problem with fun. Go zoom around a track and have all the fun you want. Just don’t risk the lives of other people..I don’t think that’s too much to ask. And don’t pretend that what you’re doing is not in fact dangerous to everyone else on the road.
I didn’t say anything about legality. And less dangerous than on an American road doesn’t mean it still isn’t doing something dangerous for the thrill, in a manner that risks the lives of others as well as your own. Which is exactly what I said.
“It was also likely that they didn’t blow past unassuming trucks at a closing speed deemed unsurvivable in a crash, and may have probably been a bit better off had something catastrophic occurred"
Endangering the lives of others in search of cheap thrills?
Is it strange that I’ve caught 25 different pokemon species without moving from my house and only running the game for all of ten minutes a day? Like I’m sincerely wondering if my game is glitched
I 100 percent thought that it was.
Don’t be silly...of course there is. For example, my elderly mother often resists eating. When I prepare her meals, I use a choice close instead of an open question. “Do you want lunch now or in half an hour” vs. “When do you want to eat lunch”. It gives her a sense if control without presenting not eating as an…