
I’m pretty convinced I have some kind of major personality disorder. Is there, like, a good form of antisocial personality disorder? I’m very good at predicting other people’s emotional responses but rarely share them. Indeed, my emotions are very flattened and low key. But I’m not narcissistic (we’re all just dots in

It’s why I don’t play team games. All the buzz words just make my brain go nooooope and I can’t even start to make sense of it all.

I once briefly dated a guy who very earnestly warned me he was ‘internet famous’. I had to walk away before I started braying with laughter. Even funnier, he really wasn’t...people recognized his car (a ectomobile) but couldn’t have picked him out of a line up

There were four Jennifer’s in my kindergarten class and three on my street. Even at that tender age I knew sharing was for suckers. I decided to go by my less common middle and flately refused to listen to teachers or parents if they forgot. To this day I always have a few seconds of massive confusion when someone

Weirdly, I have three cats and none of them ever venture under the bed. Either I have a strange kitties... think the danger posed by a thrown cell phone is the same as the danger posed by a mishandled car?

Flight attendants aren’t cops. Why should they be asked to babysit a violent criminal (as others have pointed out, sexual assault is a violent act) for a second longer than necessary?

I’m thinking of getting back into The Witcher but instead playing free picross games while watching voice actors play D&D. Which is what I’ve done every weekend since shortly after The Witcher’s released. If you happen to use an online interactive map to track the goodies you’ve already collected make sure you back

I agree with the rest being crazy, but kids SHOULD be protected from being punished for shit like biting a poptart into a gun shape

Yes, there certainly furs. Some furry cons even have a room and ‘nanny’ set aside

The examples you list aren’t codified into law, though. I understand what you are trying to say, but it doesn’t seem an apt comparison.

I’m going to admit that I would love a fursuit, but that’s my exact issue with them. No matter how beautifully crafted or realistic they are, the proportions just kill it for me. Every one I’ve seen has that mascot bulkiness and giant head/feet....maybe it isn’t possible to do something more streamlined

This little guy fuzzball cornered under our shed by some of the neighborhood ferals. He was sorta social and loved to play from the start, but really didn’t like being touched or petted. We just had the first half of his teeth pulled four days ago...and now he’s a total love bug who just wants me to rub his neck for

Oh, I can beat that. I just spent over $2,000 getting a little stray’s teeth pulled, and he’s only a year old. Poor guy has a disease that causes his immune system to attack his own teeth. And of course he’s FIV positive. I am utterly incapable of adopting a cat without some kind of major medical malady.

That is exactly what is so confusing to me about this shit. If the government, with all its money and resources, really wanted to stage a false flag...why wouldn’t they carry through and simply kill people? Why would they go about in the sloppist way possible? Hiring the same crisis actors across multiple operations,

Dude, it’s a a bike, not a religion. Dial it down a notch. It may mean something more to you, but that’s not a prerequisite. The only thing you need to be a motorcyclist is a motorcycle.


The article is wrong. The prop was a REAL razor covered in duct had been dulled, but clearly not enough

As a vet tech, I’m certainly desensitized to stuff...more gore and grossness than death, but even that to a degree. Black humor is part of the job. We used to take bets on the color of pus from abcesses and play guess the organ with roadkill. But it would never occur to me to take pictures of an owned pet without

My mother is severely mentally ill. She crosses the line daily into severe emotional abuse. It bothers me because she doesn’t treat others as abusively, which makes it hard to know how much control she has over her actions.