
She lost loved ones, yes...but that ability to love and bond is still there. She can meet new people and love them just as deeply. I’ve always had an issue when media has a character who lives significantly longer then others bemoan how their life will be meaningless when their human companion passes on. Even as

Man,, that would be the most messed up thing to go through in real life. You come back and half of your friends and classmates have five more years of life experience then you do. That alone would be difficult, but there’s also the quality of those five years. The ones who survived the snap had five years of immense

I am 100% for the additional testing system.

I always feel like I'm letting down my gender when I'm sick.  Actually, right now I have the flu AND my period, and i might as well be dying for all the drama I'm milking out of it.  I want to be all stoic and brave but damn it, my ankles hurt!

You seem to think religious tradition is a valid argument, or else why bring it up? Religious tradition applies to so many harmful things. Biblical discipline of beating children and wives. Child marriage. Withholding of medical care even if it risks death of the child. Oh, and FGM for that matter. 

Um...agreed? I never argued they should be included in the same legislation, and in fact stated in another comment that they SHOULD NOT be lumped together legally. Not because protecting boys from unnecessary harm is ‘silly’, but because FGM has objectively greater effects on health and function. If lumping them

And no one is saying that when those rare occasions arise they should be denied treatment. No one. It is a nonexistent argument. Women may sometimes have a medical need for labia or clitoris removal, such as in the case of a tumor, infection, loss of circulation, accident, etc. Again, so what? That has zero relevance

Yeah, you will get zero sympathy from me when using religious tradition as an excuse to cause harm to children

It is easy enough to word a law that allows for rare necessary medical interventions while banning routine, unnecessary, cosmetic procedures on infants.  We managed to do it in veterinary med to protect cats and dogs (well, other countries do, the US is as usual behind the times.) I think we could manage it for little

And adult women sometimes opt to have their labia removed or restructured or have their clitoris resized.  Your point?

Of course it damages them, and horrifically so, which is why all forms of it should be illegal. Even when that damage does not extend to the point the genitals “no longer work.” Even if the victim is still able to urinate normally and have non painful sexual relations, they ARE a victim.

Whelp. Like I need another reason to hate our society.

I have to disagree.

Again, not all forms of FGM involve the removal of the clitoris. ALL forms of it should be illegal. And at no point did I say they were equal.  FGM is worse!  We agree!  

I agree they aren’t directly comparable, but I highly disagree that motivation should ever be a main factor in determining legality or morality. There are plenty of mothers who have their daughters undergo FAM because they earnestly and genuinely feel they’ll be better off because of it. It isn’t punishment but a

And not all women who undergo FGM have genitals that no longer work. Many, many do have severe complications. But FGM covers a very wide of practices and as a result, the complications can range widely as well. One woman may end up with a completely removed clitoris and a fistula.  Another may `only` have her outer

This I absolutely agree with. I think when talking about FGM and people bring up circumcision, it’s more then acceptable to say “we’re talking about this right now.” But when people respond by insisting circumcision has no possible negative effects and has no parallels at all it comes across as disingenuous. I

When it comes to effects on else do you measure it but subjectively?  If the only negative effect is on that not enough?

...thats not true though. There are multiple groups that support men interested in restoration who feel that while their dicks work, they could work even better if they had been left in their natural state.  

It absolutely does impact men’s sexual health and pleasure. I agree FGM has a much greater impact, but can we not pretend that the removal of nerve endings and protective tissue somehow magically has no effect when it happens to a penis?