
We had a woman have a seizure in the waiting room of the vet office where I worked. She hit her head pretty good and had a bad scalp wound. The male customer in the room straight up BOLTED. He came slinking back in after the ambulance left and tried to buy dog food like nothing happened.

I really don’t get why people dislike it so much. I found it hilarious....tears streaming the face, gasping for air, balls out hilarious. How can you hate a movie where ”I love dogs” is romantic dialogue?

I’m so sorry. Blood clots are particularly hard on the owner, because they strike so suddenly and there’s so little to be done...I’ve seen it far too many times as a vet tech. Please accept my reassurance that it truly was not your fault.

...and this is one of the reasons I’ve never had sex. I could triple up on methods and still be terrified, because all of it can fail (and with my luck WOULD).

I get the reasoning for this rebuttal, but I also find kind of irksome? Because it isn’t gentleman like the above who are most likely to be targeted. He goes into a men’s room and no one is going to think twice. But being trans doesn’t mean your gender matches the expected gender presentation. I feel like it’s saying

That’s Buck Angel, a well know trans porn actor

I’m not needle phobic, but I think many people have never had a real phobia and don’t get just how serious they can be. They associate phobia with feeling a shudder down your spine at the sight of a spider or getting a bit queasy while up on a ladder. A true phobia can be so much more severe and yes, debilitating. My

And I have to question if the hospital tried giving her a cheap digital watch from the gift shop? Were any attempts at accommodation made?

Principles of ‘mercy and justice’ are never objective

I’m in the generation that grew up with cells and a techy nerd...the sort most likely to own one. Which I do. Only it hasn’t been charged for more than a year, and I never carry it (even though I know I should.) Off? Absolutely. Unheard of not so much.

True tale of woe....

This will be the year I find a way to escape life as a full-time caregiver to a person who is frequently outright abusive and always difficult. Not only will I find a way to escape financially, I’ll find a way to forgive myself for leaving.

I’m stuck playing on console because my PC would actually explode if I tried playing Minecraft, let alone Fallout. All I can do is hope in vain that they’ll listen to the feedback and patch it.

But it’s not as if this context is provided when the song plays on the radio . No one is learning about the cultural history in between Jingle Bell Rock and White Christmas . You can’t claim the song is teaching anything about history or the women’s struggle to have sexual freedom. . When a modern audience hears it ,

My parents are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary next month...and if I learned anything from them, it’s that marriage is a trap and not worth it. Actually, I quite honestly can’t think of a single ‘good’ marriage within my (rather large) family.

My mother sometimes asks me to sleep in bed with her for whatever reason (she has dementia issues). I inherited sleep paralysis from her, but in the grip of an episode she’ll talk in her sleep. Well, more like mumble in the voice of a demonic goat. It creeps me out so much I can’t sleep in the same room. She also has

You keep using that word, and I don’t think you know what it means. Solicit means to *ask* for something. The act of existing or posting is not asking for commentary. Commentary may happen because internet, but it’s still not solicited. Indeed, very, very few people will ever in their lives solicit a stranger’s

+1000. I’ve never understood arguments that basically boil down to ‘we didn’t punish this person enough, so we should let this person get off light too!’

It hurts disabled people who are being told that it’s understandable why someone would want to kill them. There are *many* articles written by disabled people on this issue. Perhaps you’d like to listen to them?

I honestly would like an answer for this. Like, have any of them actually addressed the confession and if so, how are they explaining it away? Or all they all just collectively ignoring that he confessed?