
It’s stemming from the same base. Or, if you’d like a closer example, let’s say I post a picture of my dress on Facebook. Does that mean I’m soliciting ANY comment about that dress? Including sexual comments? Does it mean I’m soliciting comments about how my mother raised me to be a whore for wearing it?

Only they are unsolicited. Doing something in public doesn’t mean we solicite any and all comments a stranger would like to make. The flipside of this is arguing that women solicite catcalls by going outside. Or I’m soliciting dick pics in return if I post a picture of my breakfast. Posting a picture is not soliciting

If people are free to ramble their dumb opinions, then the celebrity in question is free to respond. If her expectation should be that posting is an opening for feedback...then the same expectation applies to those posting comments.

I once interviewed at a veterinary hospital that treated ‘exotic’ pets like birds and reptiles. While I was there they got in a fresh shipment of tasty crickets...they come in a box with wire screening, so you can inspect them and make sure they’re nice and feisty. The head vet tech who was interviewing me confessed

I’m assuming you blame the victim in situations with domestic abuse too. After all, hubby wouldn’t have needed to punch her if she’d just done what she was told.

I don’t understand how anyone can view that video and defend the cop.

Personally, I’d rather die by intent then by the actions of a moron who thinks they’re so fricking special that cause and effect doesn’t apply to them. At least with intent my death was, well, the intended outcome. With drunk driving, any remorse that may be felt after the fact does absolutely nothing to mitigate the

Absolutely, there’s a HUGE problem with lack of representation of LGBT POC, both in society as a whole and within the community itself. I’m not saying that this man’s coming out does anything for you or that you have to applaud him for it.

For one, including the statement at all was entirely unnecessary and frankly gross. If you didn’t mean it, there was no reason at all to include it. Much like saying “I don’t mean to be offensive, but...” almost always heralds something offensive to the core. Secondly, you admitted only that his coming out still

Same thought. Hell, I’m not positive Stella even notices the leaves exist. Labs- gotta love the laser focus!

You may not have said it was easy, but you absolutely were dismissive of it.

Hmm. My boy is super confident, but he’s also blind (he lost his vision as a young kitten to untreated feline herpes.) So loud cars and especially motorcycles are something that took him a bit to get used to.

Aw....he’s got such a solemn little face in that top pic!

Leash training is not nearly as odd as people make it out to be! My boy LOVES his leash and happily heels like a dog around the block every day. Seriously, in terms of his happiness (and ours...he’s a terrible brat when he’s bored), leash training is one of the best things we’ve ever did for him.

Damn straight! My bedroom is on the second floor, so I keep a fire ladder nearby just in case I ever need to escape. Right next to the ladder is a knapsack big enough to hold two cats...if I go, they’re coming with me. That’s also why I make them both sleep in the bedroom over night (not that they mind)...if something

My dear mother has the common sense of a six month old lab puppy and once called me at work to deliver the news that our cat had just been diagnosed with brain cancer. I managed to control myself until the end of the work day but started tearing up as I walked out to the parking lot, which we shared with several other

Anyone want to suggest a good rig for a $1000 or under? Something sturdy, since I have a very bad habit of breaking every electronic thing I own (purely hardware damage somehow, no malware or viruses.)

Not quite the same, but I had to no show for a friend’s bridal shower (that included a paid meal)- a relative died the same day and I was needed at home to keep my mother from falling apart. Calling or texting the same day didn’t cross my mind. Why would I want to intrude on their happy time with sad news? I did call

I’m pro-choice and anti-death penalty, but I totally get the reasoning of someone who is the opposite. Just like I understand someone who says ‘killing people is wrong’ as a general statement but wouldn’t stand by with a smile if someone came at them with a knife. It’s really quite human to make exceptions for the

I geninuely have never understood this argument against the death penalty, and I’m not even for it. After all, #dougwillstillbedeadnomatterwhat. So...why punish her at all? If whether or not a punishment is justified depends on its ability to raise the dead, then doing jack all is the best solution.