
We had an issue with squirrels in our attic this year. I knew exactly where the access point was (the attic vent), but for whatever reason the homeowner (my father) didn’t want to block it off himself. We found that exterminators wouldn’t do the work of blocking off access points but wildlife removal companies would.

The real problem is that she has memory issues, so every morning when she wakes up she thinks all of her symptoms are *new*. Which means she thinks the arthritis related back pain that she’s had for years is sudden onset and must be from a kidney infection. Attempting to remind her that she has arthritis results in

The absolute lack of understanding of anatomy astonishes and saddens me. And not just for MRA douches that my mother is older and I have to take care of her medically, I often find myself explaining very basic things about her body. Stuff like where her kidneys are (she thinks all back pain comes from her

“ensuring my loving pet and I can make medical decisions for each other”...

That was my tactic to survive college. I had an astoundly inept program that went through three directors in two years. Our building got condemned, we were constantly adding and dropping classes because every director had their own ideas for required courses, and our replacement classrooms (trailers in the middle of

Wait...are you saying that a woman can’t play and enjoy this game despite also objecting to the sexist parts? Because as a woman who is doing that, I’m confused over my own existence.

One night at my vet hospital we had a pet sitter rush in two comatose beagles. She’d just finished feeding them their dinner and taking them out one last time when they both collapsed at almost the same instant. We couldn’t figure out what the hell had happened to these dogs...they had good pulses, but they were

Thing is, I’ve been on both sides. Having to leave my job was a terrible blow. Years later, I still think of myself as a vet tech (not a *former* vet tech.) But I’ve also worked in a job where my coworker couldn’t complete all of his assigned duties due to disability. It left me constantly scrambling and overstressed.

Serving the customers on the plane is central to her duties. If I known I could refuse to do any part of the job I didn’t feel was ‘central’, I would have had a much more pleasant time at work.

I’m an actual vet tech who had to leave the job because of a neck injury. I couldn’t wrestle around on the floor with 100+lb dogs anymore. There were plenty of aspects of the job that I *could* do, but in the end my employer was paying for me to do them *all*. When I could no longer do that, even with reasonable

Right? I feel like the sperm bank SHOULD get into major trouble, because people deserve to know what sperm they are receiving...I mean, that’s the whole point of a sperm bank, yes? I don’t know if that means she should get any money beyond the refund, but the bank should be punished for errors in document handling,

Hey now, Tara is a badass *girl* cat. Don’t assume she’s a boy because she took out a beast twenty times her size!

Yes, chickens will produce eggs without needing to mate and it’s a normal part of their reproductive system. But modern chickens are made to produce MORE eggs within shorter periods of time. All those eggs require calcium to produce, with the end result that birds in factory farm conditions frequently have broken

My mother once woke me up at 5am to see the ‘dinosaur scary bird things’ in the backyard. Turned out to be a whole flock of wild turkeys. She was sincerely scared they were going to invade the house and peck us all to death.

You’d be surprised. Not only do people not realize this, they also think that cows give milk without needing to get pregnant first and that cows naturally produce a surplus of milk (as opposed to be selectively bred to produce far more than any wild species.) They also think chickens naturally lay enough eggs to leech

I’ve always found it odd/amusing how pizza places often have ‘special’ pizzas that cost far less than ordering one with toppings. So I can get a large pizza with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, spinach, and bacon and pay something like $25+. Or I can order the special that comes with tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, black

I honestly never thought orange cats were that handsome until I got this guy:

Just remember that a service dog must be in the owner’s control at all times. While business owners are very limited in their ability to discover if an animal is a true service dog or not, you are entirely within your rights to ask the owner to get the animal under control or leave. That includes things like the owner

My blind cat knows the following: ‘go upstairs’, ‘go to the bathroom’, ‘step up’, ‘follow’, ‘go for a walk’, ‘head down’, ‘watch your tail’, ‘watch your step’, ‘go to your spot’, ‘need your box?’, and ‘stop biting me in the face it’s only 6am no please stop I really mean it ouch ouch ouch stop’

I understand the science, and the slow development of the prefrontal cortex can explain why kids give into peer pressure more easily, why they fight more, and why they commit some petty crimes (such as theft.)