
Thing is, murder IS how you say hello in this game. It’s just a different culture, kind of, and you need to respect cultural norms. Just yesterday a guy killed me, I killed him, and then he tried to crash his car into me. He missed and hit a pole, leaving himself at the perfect angle for me to shoot him in the head

Not a loss, and not a restaurant, but...

This was absolutely my problem with Skyrim. I never did finish that game. Fallout NV I’m still working my way through all the DLC missions, but I don’t feel burnout yet. GTA really has a lot less in terms of ‘find it’ missions and explorations, so I had no problem beating that. With Skyrim, I think my real issue was

That’s like saying driving drunk is a win if you didn’t happen to die that time.. A dumb idea is a dumb idea, even if you happen to get lucky. Also, a case like this can encourage others to take risks with animals...a risk that only increases due to the guy’s complete lack of remorse or understanding of the danger he

Not at all win-win. Zoo animals who bite visitors are all too often killed because of it. There are issues with the rabies vaccination in species outside domestic pets- it hasn’t been studied, so even if we’re almost 100% sure it’s just as effective, the law often comes down on the side of protecting the visitor from

Oh, I absolutely agree that our social support for mothers is awful and needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. But where we differ is that I *do* think we need to normalize children being alone in public. By the age of six, there’s nothing wrong with letting a kid walk to school alone or visit the park down the

Thing is...any of the ‘risks’ you just outlined exist just as much in the home as in a mall food court. The six year old wandering off isn’t a risk, since they were in the mother’s line of sight. The rest could happen if the mother went to the bathroom at home, or was making dinner, or simply checking her phone across

Bottom line...why is it too young? At six, I was outside playing with my friends unsupervised until the street lights came every single day. And we didn’t stay in a yard, either, or where our parents had line of sight on us. What danger were those kids actually in, especially since the mother could see them?

Stranger kidnapping is exceedingly rare. As in your child has less than a 1% chance of being taken by a stranger. Almost all kidnappings are by people known to the child, typically a family member.

A kid has a far, far greater chance of being involved in a car accident then of being taken by a stranger. Yet I don’t hear you being concerned with whether or not she drove them to the mall. Hell, the kids have a greater chance of better hit by lightning then being taken by a stranger...are you going to judge her

Actually, that’s what I’ve tried...using a summary for a title. But because of the way the nook works, you’re restricted to I think 250 characters (the length of a title for a file.) And you can’t actually VIEW all of really only get maybe four or five words. If you double tap the file you can view a few

Actually, that’s what I’ve tried...using a summary for a title. But because of the way the nook works, you’re whole issue is that most of my junk didn’t come from Amazon. I suspect they make it difficult to add your own summaries for just that reason. By making it a pain in the ass to organize files from other places, maybe the thought is it might cut down on downloading from torrent sites? Too bad it screws over whole issue is that most of my junk didn’t come from Amazon. I suspect they make it difficult to add your

Yep! Much as I might wish for a psychic device that anticipates all of my needs, I don’t think we’re quite there yet. :)

Yep! Much as I might wish for a psychic device that anticipates all of my needs, I don’t think we’re quite there

Ah! That’s so frustrating. It seems so obvious to me that being able to input and view your own summary info is just a basic necessity for any e-reader. It astounds me that it seems so difficult to find a device with the functionality. Even with published books a Goodreads or Amazon summary may not provide the info

Ah! That’s so frustrating. It seems so obvious to me that being able to input and view your own summary info is just

I’m very familiar with Calibre...but can I view the summary I put in calibre on the Kindle itself? Right now I have a nook simple touch, and there’s actually no way to view metadata fields on the device. I can organize things a ton of different ways in Calibre, but once I sideload the files to the nook I can only

I’m very familiar with Calibre...but can I view the summary I put in calibre on the Kindle itself? Right now I have

Well, obviously it wouldn’t! The issue is that most devices pull summaries for books from Goodreads or Amazon. Which can work for a published book, but most devices don’t seem to have a way to let you input your OWN summary. It isn’t really a fanfic problem, because it’s also a pain if you have your own files on your

Well, obviously it wouldn’t! The issue is that most devices pull summaries for books from Goodreads or Amazon. Which

Oh, geez...can anyone tell me if the Kindle lets you view summaries of books that you input yourself? I desperately need a new ereader, but that’s really the deciding factor for me. I download...well, fanfiction, let’s just be honest, and I hate looking at just a long list of titles on my Nook with no ability to see a

Oh, geez...can anyone tell me if the Kindle lets you view summaries of books that you input yourself? I desperately

I got new tips for my wood burning set. I still remember that very fondly.

See, you’d think marking it as sarcasm would be overdramatic, but my cousin basically gave me that same speech. Just take out the ‘racist fuckhead’ bit. And she could not grasp why I was ‘being so judgemental’ just because she thinks gay people are going to hell and Mexicans are ruining her neighborhood by existing.

It takes a sprinkle of moxy to walk up to a random toddler on the street and punch them in the face, but that still doesn’t make it something to be admired.