
The headline says he ran it with a canoe twice?

I tend to want every aspect of life to be black and white when most of it’s quite grey. I think you are right though, intent is what is most in play here. If it’s clear the person has intended to partake in a behavior anonymously, then so long as they are not harassing/abusing/harming others in some way, then there

At what amount of effort does the fault shift from the original author to the person making an effort to expose the author? If I make the post using my real name, surely the fault lies with me when it circles back to my mom. If I post under a pseudonym, and someone makes some effort to trace it to me, then I am no

Using your example where I post something on the internet that I don’t want my parents to read....If I do this and then my moms friend happens to find it and read it to her, using parallels from this article, the bad guy in this example is the friend who showed it to my mom, not me who wrote it in the first place?

Sansa has known Theon her whole life and he just helped her escape from a somewhat precarious situation. He has earned her trust. Please don’t think it makes her look feeble simply looking for his input.

Something along the lines of “ist there anything better in the world than seeing a woman naked for the first time?”

i think i would remember if their nipples were described in the book

Dangit I should have read the whole thread before doing exactly the same. My napkin math put her height at 30% of the height of the Giraffe. If she is 5ft 6 inches tall, that would put the giraffe around 17 tall 9 inches. That is about right for a male giraffe.

I didn’t really mind Darkstar at all, but I know this puts me in the minority for book readers, most thought he was incredibly lame. I always thought of the sand snakes more as power rangers (each gets their own color, but past that, they are mostly identical otherwise), but I like your comparison too.

To be fair, I don’t know any book fans that honestly considered the sand snakes “good characters”. They always came across as some of the most one dimensional characters from the entire series. Can you even tell me one unique aspect of any of them that doesn’t relate to their weaponry (poisons vs daggers vs whips

Season 3 (and possibly 4) might be ahead of Madonna, but I would have to re-watch both to be sure.

As I always say about halftime shows and Game of Thrones, just because you saw a nipple, does not make it good.

I think you are seeing either Tom Petty or George Harrison’s son, Dhani. Yes Prince Shreds and this video should be enjoyed by everyone, especially today.

Acknowledging the ubiquitousness of cyber bullying is not the same as encouraging it.

(To put things into perspective, Martin has published one unfinished ASOIAF book, spread across two volumes, in the last 16 years.)

There is no such rule that applies with only a guy on first.

If the kids are being obnoxious, that is one thing, but if you are distracted simply by their presence, that is on you not the kid.

One of my favorite baseball quotes, twins former manager Ron Gardenhire being asked how good of shape Jose Mijares showed up to spring training in: “He came back in a shape

Exactly. There are lots of stats to consider in this situation (BA va lefty/righty, BA vs that specific pitcher, etc), but BA with bases loaded is a stupid stat to justify the decision in either direction.

This sounds promising but seems useless in it’s current state. I can’t think of a scenario where it will be easier to ship a small chemistry lab along with the raw materials needed to manufacture a specific drug than to simply ship the medication itself.