
I really shouldn’t need to explain why tail-gating is dangerous.

The brake checker feels the same way though. “Why is this person behind me willing to get into a high speed accident just to tell me he isn’t happy with my 15 mph over the speed limit”.

I’m all about the players having fun, but when a bad player hits a solo homerun in a 6-2 game in July and acts like they won the damn world series, I’m always going to find that annoying.

He doesn’t flip his bat or watch the ball so I fail to see how this reinforces your point.

Ok thanks. In laymans terms, unfounded means having no basis in facts. I took facts to mean evidence.

I’m no expert in lawyer speek, but isn’t the fact that there was not enough evidence to even file charges, let alone see Kane stand trial to defend those charges, a good indication the allegations were unfounded?




Your gross income would be $60k in that figure, not $5k.

1/40 of your gross income is the same as 30% of your gross income.

144 character limit right? This entire message, including the hashtags (Do those count agains the limit?), is 97 characters. Plenty of room to use full words.

Who needs feathers? You used to be able to just blink right before you hit the ground, and then falling damage would only be from where you blinked instead of original height. Mages were fun.

“To have the entire world think you died and were replaced with a stand in look-a-like must be really ruff”

Alcoholic: It’s off the wagon.

You are mixing up a living cell with a life. Anti-abortionists argue that the fused egg/sperm blastocyst is a life, IE a person. No one is arguing that, scientifically speaking, the cell is alive.

“I killed three and I saved 2,999...2,999 babies or more,”

I always assumed that from venusaur, the venu related to venom, not venus fly traps?

For every example of a player turning down money biting them in the ass, there are dozens of examples of someone getting PAID.

He and his client just happened to get burned this time.

Those are some manly looking coffees.