If anyone wants a good laugh go check out the espn article comments section on this story. To quote most posts there in general: “PC culture... Liberals... Pussification of America... Participation trophies....Safe Space SJWs... Rabble rabble”
I’m praying for you sir or ma’am.
That’s terrifying. Obviously the implications being he may have a neck/brain injury and the movement could do serious damage. But what about the mad rush of skates right next to his exposed head cutting him somehow. Could have been really really bad
Good point. We saw Bernard looking at her escape story and almost telling her how it would end but how could they have accounted for her seeing that mother and daughter next to her on the train causing her to want to find her own daughter, who she already knew wasn’t her actual daughter. So does that sentience give…
Agreed along with Ford killing everyone via hosts. Curious as to who changed her story to escape. Ford just because? Or was it Charlotte so she could prove they were murderous and force out Ford as a plan B? Or mystery person?
I do the same. I miss so much because hey look over there what is my dog lookin out the window at level ADD at times
Damn dude my bad. Obviously the people reading this article skewing a little older. I’m in my 20s and I assume a lot of people my age don’t know that song
Hahahaha too few people will get this reference my friend. But goddamn I love it
We’re burying the lede here. He named on of his kids Autonomy? Seriously? That’s real weird
I see what you did there. But I think they share lots with the Warriors? If I’m not mistaken. That might not be a feasible option
My wife was diagnosed with Crohns 2 weeks before our wedding and she’s been miserable for the past 6 months. She does self medicate at times but it doesn’t really help long term. Hoping and praying it doesn’t become severe enough to need intestinal excisions.
Dude this is America. That’s an incredibly sacrilegious stance to have. And now that it’s Trump’s America you may get sent to a re-education camp. Stay woke out there
Guys it’s ok. Roger Goodell reviewed the evidence and cleared him of those pesky domestic abuse allegations...
At what point do these people become criminally negligible for covering these up? There has to be a law right?
As a resident of a suburb in the DFW area not far from Arlington, YES. Would love to live in San Diego but it’s probably way more expensive than cost of living in Texas so hence I stay
Turnout down for Democrats by a few million votes compared to 2012 while Republicans voted almost equal total from 4 years ago.
I am a college educated white male. And I am so sorry to the minorities and women who now have to deal with the sexist racist regressive policies and attitudes that Trump exposed in this election that I will be largely shielded from.
So that’s how they did those X-men Quicksilver scenes. Probably cut down on that FX budget like crazy
Pretty sure there’s an amendment in the Articles of Confederation that outlaws anyone talking shit about a movie that stars both Gary Busey and Daniel Stern . And a minor Ray Charles cameo but that’s a bit of a gray area (or is it Grey, thanks a lot Obama for my terrible education negative 8 years before you were…