
Always pad those ending times in your DVR season pass. The episode length should be correct in the guide info but sometimes you, the viewer gets screwed. An extra 15 at the end of every show works well.

This doesn’t look like anything to me.

When asked for raises, have I not said no every year since 1868? And when the employees threatened to unionize, did I not have their children sealed inside a great iron steam-boiler, in which the temperature was raised one degree for every word their jumped-up “spokesman” uttered in my presence?

Be careful! T. Herman Zweibel seems like the type who’d send round some stout Pinkertons to break legs.

One day we’ll form a union, and get the fair and equitable treatment we deserve! Then we’ll go too far and become corrupt and shiftless and the Chinese will eat us alive!

I’m beginning to think that Sean O’Neal was not the brilliant tactician I thought he was.

Yes, I can confirm or deny this.

Sometimes it feels like I’m posting nothin’ at all!


Good for you, folks. And my thoughts on this?


I was the same way. In college I would go to The Onion whenever I was online (this was still before the world was always connected) I didn’t realize that The AV Club was articles. I assumed it was Audio and Visual and I didn’t want to watch a clip with a slow lag time. It wasn’t until several years later when I got an

Nothing. Nothing truly becomes a thing until I experience and enjoy it. Before that it’s nothing but potential that the idiot masses are gobbling up in an attempt to stay ahead of the curve, but they’re just prospecting. I decide when something matters.

Bummer...I can’t believe an actual supergenius gave any time or effort to such schlock TV. Guess it just shows to go ya’- never meet your heroes

I prefer this tribute:

Now playing

You know, if A.V.C. just stopped pretending modern Simpsons was relevant and let us enjoy our nostalgic commenting, we’d all be better off.

I really want a scene with Korg saying “Hey, man” to Thanos

Please let it be the half of humanity who didn’t vote for Trump or Brexit, that survive.

And (MCU) Vision