
Remember! Those of you who are aunts and uncles (or pretend aunts and uncles), be sure and ONLY buy your nieces and nephews Hawkeye toys for gift-giving occasion. Life is funnier that way!

Pretty sure that was a joke. We used to make them here on the AVC.

Now I want to see Smith saying, “your world frightens and confuses me.

2014?? Jesus Christ I’m old.

So when does his arm get ripped off? I dont get how the lesson is supposed to sink in.

This took finesse and a lot of thought and effort. My dad used to just fart on us.

What is Dad may never die.

Word out in Hollywood is the Oceans 11 style mixed animation sequel is in the works as well. George Clooney and Hugh Jackman already on board with Dave Grohl to do the soundtrack. Working title: EWE, CLOO, HUGH, FOO, POOH AND SCOOBY DOO TOO

Whenever Pooh is not in a scene, all the other characters should ask, “Where’s Pooh?”

Man, the only thing more tedious than the Oscars show is all the comments the next day about how tedious the Oscars are.

No questions about “Herman’s head?”

He’s another who approached writing purely from the standpoint of marketability, and chose correctly at the time given the sales figures for “epic” fantasy series. He’s certainly not a writer, and I feel a sucker for having bought ONE of his complete ripoff books.

I got a Dikachu notification for this?

I fear this is what Shameless holds for us through the remainder of the series (I wouldn’t be surprised if it goes beyond season 9, into 10 or even 11 before they call it quits). I am still entertained by the show, but I’m no longer engaged by it. I used to care about everyone... even Debbie in the earlier seasons,

For ‘people’ like him, it’s always the woman’s fault. I will take my own advice and not waste any more time on him.

I just experienced the difference between theater and home when I watched my blu-ray for the first time. I definitely got more emotional and absorbed the beauty of it more at home (and teared up a few times). In theaters that was lost in the sea of adrenaline, which was still washing over me even in the quieter

I only eat Wendy’s on roadtrips.

But I HAVE to eat Wendy’s on a roadtrip.

A roadtrip without Wendy’s is a failure.

With Fiona swearing off meaningless Tinder hookups I guess it was only a matter of time before an ex showed up, but I don’t get why it has to be him. He was the one relationship she’s had since Jimmy that ended because the dude screwed it up rather than Fiona wrecking it. His relapse was all on him, so what’s left to

Myles, anybody who has been following this show from the beginning knows this was an A+ episode. Shameless doesn’t get any better than tonight.

You know, I was reading these comments and sitting here thinking, wtf? The AV Club commenters always HATED her. I didn’t put two and two together. You’re right and I’m disgusted I didn’t realize it right away.