
This McDonalds debacle will forever be one of the examples I point to when people ask “What’s so bad about Rick and Morty fans?”

Depends... was that kind bringing the Rubik’s Cube to school to distract everyone from something stupid his friends was about to do?

Because a black guy got to be president and white america decided to burn the world down because of it.

So if I’m at an event and Pence is there, all I have to do to get him to leave is to kneel? Shouldn’t this be on Lifehacker?

Since this version of [i]DuckTales[/i] has such a strong [i]Gravity Falls[/i] influence, I guess the writers are using Launchpad as the new Soos. If so, this is a mistake—while the two characters have a lot in common, they’re not the same.

I was pretty bummed out about the Joss Whedon thing, since he wrote my favorite X-Men run of all time. I mean, sure innocent until proven guilty but still.

Now playing

The theme to Good Times was solid, even when the show disintegrated into merely a showcase of Jimmy Walker’s questionable comedic talents. 

Gomez!! Girlshapedlovedrug came on random this week and I swooned so hard I almost crashed my car 💕💕

I thought Lena’s motivation was she was Magicka De-Spell’s niece and is trying to mess with the McDuck/Duck family.

True Blood. One minute thirty seconds of perfect Southern Gothic mood, imagery, and music, usually followed by an hour of what felt like watching a burning dumpster full of Anne Rice novels.

Years ago longer than most are in ages here, I was on a bus with about 30 other American tourists to Ephesus, the phenomenal ruins in Turkey. The guide was this wonderful Turkish woman who taught history at a university. Well it was a schlep to the ruins so she sang a couple of traditional Turkish folk songs and

God help us all if they go full “Pivot to Video”.

It would be nice if the simplest explanation didn’t involve multiple sex offenders working as studio bosses.

For god’s sake, it would make so much of a difference just to have a Recent Articles page again. It was extraordinarily convenient before the switch, and now that nothing on the front page has any permanence it’s completely necessary. Seriously, the only things raised to the featured articles on the top are the

A vile and disgusting sexual predator? He belongs in the White House!

No, because some interns are actually paid a stipend. Not every company is terrible, just most.

This show, like The Big Bang Theory, is for Baby Boomers who think police procedurals are “too political.”

Unfortunately Frank Miller and Mark Millar will be taking over Hall G in their absence to test their two man play “Millar on Miller: An Erotic Thriller”

I watched American Vandal because the kids were watching it. Initially, it was funny as a parody - and dick jokes, but it grew increasingly subversive and entertaining. Liked it throughout, but enjoyed it for different reasons as it went on.

It’s hard to argue against Christa, but Sam pulls some straight-up masterful manipulation and misdirection and ends up winning in his own way in the end.