
I would go as far as to say that American Vandal wasn’t just good it was surprisingly brilliant.

I went through three phases in watching American Vandal:

Yeah. I started American Vandal with pretty low expectations, but had watched the entire thing before I knew it.

It took me a couple of episodes to warm up to, but I loved American Vandal. Not only was it very funny and a pitch-perfect genre parody, but like, I genuinely wanted to know who drew the dicks!

I’ve seen the thumbnail in my netflix, but had no idea what the hell it was... I love his youtube vids, though, so I’m sure I’ll watch it now.

Just on a technical level, American Vandal was incredibly well-made. I’d love to know about the work that went into getting the Nana’s Party episode right.

Haven’t seen It yet - but the original Bad News Bears had swearing-by-little-kids in it, and it turned out to be the best sports movie ever made.

Saw “On Raw” in a headline and thought AV Club had started weekly wrestling coverage again.

Moolah pimped out the girls she was training, basically enslaved them.

Glad to see more people talking about this. Warrior was an absolutely reprehensible human being.

Really glad to see this article, couldn’t believe what I was seeing last night. Wold have thought WWE would be super cautious about being burned by one of their “Legends” hateful opinions. 

Yeah great, let’s remember the “spirit” of a drug-bloated freak who used to become gassed before his matches even started. Equating the Ultimate Warrior with anything remotely approaching “health and wellness” is worse than a joke.

Yes, you spotted the subtle irony of my post. Congratulation on your doctorate in English.

Great, an entire feature on one of my least favorite things in pop culture fandom: the skeptic trying to justify their indifference to a genre/artist/work of art. You don’t like anime or Frank Zappa? No problem, most people live rich and fulfilling lives without giving a shit about either.

I mean, this is not the

Attack on Titan seems to fall into the twin traps of anime that’s trying to be more sophisticated and grown up: “Maturity” = blood and gore, “Emotional Depth” = yelling and crying.

Ew, no. That’s just gross

I’d prefer more Kardashian articles to replace all the Alex Jones ones.

RIP. Mr. Petty. I think your portrayal of Lucky on King of the Hill was under appreciated.

Meanwhile this ad is shown with this article. WTF?