
It’s ruined every movie you see? From Chimpan-A to Chimpanzee?

Twitter’s Reformed Dutch, so it doesn’t apologize for shit.

We are only just beginning the series and it is entirely understandable that they would want to present standalone episodes at this stage character-centric to the 4 main characters that have changed the most from the old cartoon. I have heard that there was supposed to be a Huey-centric episode that was meant to come

Good lord. Miley Cyrus changes her image more often than I change my underwear.

Great news! I was hoping this one-off joke that was funny entirely because it was so enigmatic and vague would be overexplained to death.

Why did they go all in on David S. Pumpkins?

Fuck, I got My Two Dads. My ratio must have been off.

You know they get money from your click regardless of how you feel about it, right?

i paid hundreds of dollars for this stuff that gave me some small amount of pleasure. now i’m burning it. a loved one will pay to replace it for me at christmas when my team is doing well. take that, nfl! i sure showed you! (also, i watch the games, anyway.)

And if I don’t, will it send me angry text messages ranting about having friendzoned a Nice Game™?

“Were there nazis in the street in the 1970s? 1980s?”

Kaepernik’s protest has got to be the most respectful, peaceful protest EVER, and all these white guys are going apeshit over it. They’ve spent decades telling black men to sit down and shut up, and then go batty when one actually does it.

Which also makes it the most effective protest ever.

This hurts him not at all. His uneducated, racist, base, loves it when he treats black people like minstrels.

Trump has done many shitty things, but getting me to agree with Roger Goodell on something is far and away the very worst thing Trump has ever done.

The Washington Rifle-Wielding, Red, White, and Blue, Country Music, Coal-Powered, Bald Eagles

What the fuck is it going to take to get white athletes to start taking the knee? Is their precious endorsements and money more important than basic fucking decency?

I assume it’s because the show was created and designed to appeal to nostalgic, 20-30 something popculture junkies who grew up with the original Ducktales program.

why would you want anyone to help Emmy Rossum keep her shirt on?

"DuckTales Classic essentially put television animation on the map"
That might be the dumbest thing ever said on this site. Television animation existed long before 1987.