
I finally got caught back up after taking a break for the last few weeks and reading back through your reviews, I gotta say I think you have been going kind of easy on it.

For someone who just wanted to listen, you sure do talk a lot. I’m startng to think you really didn’t want to listen so much as preach.

Thats like inviting baristas to spit in your coffee.  

Somewhere David Miscavige is beating the crap out of some poor Thetan who was just trying to go clear.

I don’t know if its the best ever, but its certainly the best in a very very long time. This is still the last movie I bought on Blu-Ray, and it was worth every penny. It’s a movie that needs to be experienced on both the big screen and the small. The incredible action scenes and that score are best appreciated in a

Big surprise, you didn’t Like Zappa’s music. Which I don’t blame you for, he is not for most, hell, not for anyone really, just an incredibly select group. I love turning people on to music and I have never once attempted to turn someone on to Frank Zappa.

I don’t think the show could survive without Fiona and Lip, there has just been too much story investment with those two characters. There was a time where I would have put Ian in that category but without Mickey most of what we had invested into his character is gone now. I’ll always be interested in Ian’s

That was a very good episode of Shameless. Youens came back into Lips life. Fiona got to do the I told you so dance to her siblings. Frank was actually useful. Neil called Debbie a horrible person. Svetlana is coming back, and Kev is from an inbred family from Kentucky. Carl broke stuff. Ian didn’t get much to do but

This is all on you AV Club. This is all because you people just couldn’t pretend to like the film. You made me not buy a ticket for the movie. Hope your proud of yourselves.

Suck it Edison.

Debbie returned to form a bit this week, but Emma still plays it slightly less annoyingly this year. I’m not groaning when she is on screen still, but I think that has more to do with knowing her life is about to implode and this time she can’t blame anyone but herself.

It was a pretty low stakes episode, but the bottom is about to drop out for a lot of these characters. The only one who seems relatively safe is Fiona, so I imagine her fall will be the hardest because she has the longest way to fall. But of all the characters she is the only one who I can’t figure out how it all

Nope, I own all his albums, still haven’t seen him in concert tho.

Bite your tongue! 6's costume was perfect!

Still no Hat, I am disappoint 

But unzipping his leather pants and pulling his dong out was going to be George Michael’s Chicken Dance.

Diamonds are forever

How did it come to this? How did your life become this pathetic?

I also didn’t find Debbie as intolerable this episode. It was a subtle shift because she was still very much Debbie Ghallager but some what less abrasive.

I’m glad to see they are keeping the best thing from last season going this year. Which is keeping the ensemble together. This show is always at its best when the Ghallagers are together and interacting with each other’s storylines.