
I can’t stop mentally screaming “Mikey and Lydia Deetz are kissing!” when ever Joyce and Bob are on screen together.

Well he was in... but he was really good in... jeez he really hasn’t ever been in a great movie has he.

Wait, will Peter Dinklage be wearing his Space Pants? Because if so I’m in.

5 seconds to Plan_R’s comment

of course she is a witch, in fact she is the Worst Witch.

SquareBob Cheese Head

Last week i complained that the episode was my least favorite so far, and I chalked it up to not focusing on a specific set of characters as the others previously had. ButI enjoyed this episode and felt every character was given good material. Although I do agree tha Louie being the only one to encourage Donald was a

That is why everyone was really against the move here, we liked all our own writers, we’re all misanthropes like that. Which is also why the best of the commentariat just hang on the avocado now.

most AVC people don’t look at the other sites

Doing my best to tamp down my expectations (currently using a sledgehammer). Because I am way to excited for this.

Considering we are all stuck in a Political Grounghog Day, this mivies scenario doesn’t rate.


Only had to work a half day today, so I figured it would be a good time to go see Blade Runner in a theater that wasn’t packed. I was right, there were maybe 10 other people in there with me, on an Imax screen no less.

In my experience fans of anything are generally better in person. Its once they get online that they become awful fucking people.

I have met a Safelite repair guy on two occasions, the one guy obviously didn’t really like his job and the other one did have a closeted perv aura about him.

This was the first episode that really fell flat for me. As mentioned above the begining was shaky. But none of the others acts worked for me at all. When Beackly and the other boys showed up they sucked all the air out of the room. I think for me I like the show better when it just focusses on a specific set of

Now playing

There was an Eddie Izzard show about a decade ago called the Riches. Not a great show, barely can rember anything about it. But the theme song has always stuck with me. How we operate by Gomez.

Why are all the creators of things i enjoy all turning out to be shit stains? I’m starting to think there might be something wrong with me.

Falling Down with Michael Douglas

Its a Parody of the True Crime genre, but it has a lot more going on than that. Its not some amazing laugh out loud funny parody. The humor is very deadpan. But is a great look at high school life and the lables we put on the diffrent types of high schoolers.