
I was surprised by how much I enjoyed American Vandal, that show was sneaky good. Haven’t tried My Big Mouth yet, but ill breakdown eventually.

Not yet, but I haven’t bothered to watch the second season yet.

That is the best explanation of Attack on Titan I have seen. While I did like it. It had been pumped up so much before hand, that I came away thinking, “That was a fine example of an average anime”.

Who ever decided to put Bubblegum Crisis in your list did you a complete disservice.

This episode needed to be two parts a B plot with the boys which leads them to finding Webby and Lena. would have smoothed out the story. There was just to much setup with a brand new character who won’t just be a one off.

Fuck Cancer

Pivot to video.

This article perfectly explains why I quit MMO’s with World of Warcraft and stopped all online gaming with GTA V. There is no better way to ruin an already established real life friendship than trying to organize a raid with them and no better way to lose faith in humanity than to play online with random people.

Donnie Tweeted while America burned.

I watched the first 3 episodes of the new DuckTales. I mostly enjoyed it. The voice acting is top notch, the duck puns are always fun. I dont care too much for the animation style but its not a deal breaker. Love the no Quacky Patch doll Webigail. Not too much adventure capitalism yet outside of the first one, i hope

Stop telling me what to do AV Club, your not my real dad.

Why does this article exist? Shame on you AV Club, you have indeed fallen far.

Hey a role I can enjoy Emma Kenney in again. Because I sure as hell can’t stand to watch Debbie screw her whole life up anymore.

I’d settle for them just putting out a watchable product again.

Wait are you telling me that Natalie Dormer thing isn’t going to work?

Called my Senator on this topic this morning. Unfortunately I doubt he will listen, there is a reason I didn’t vote for him after all.

But there are no more toys at Toys R’ Us for you to play with.

I guess were all gonna have to grow up now.

This is probably a non starter. But is there any chance we can get rid of the Kinja Deals stuff? That shit is shit.

Holy crap! I’m feeling sympathy for Juggalos. 2017 y’all.