
That just goes to show why I never watch award shows and why I never think a celebrities passionate political stance is worth one good goddamn. If the people in attendance had half of the courage of their convictions they would have boo’d that man mercilessly or got up and walked out.

I agree about AVC covering this episode by episode. The mystery is tightly drawn and it would be fun to see a writer ty to piece it all togethe, pulling the diffent threads. Because there are a bunch of clues that dont make it in to doc. Especially one vey damning piece of circumstantial evidence against the final

Is it just me or did Sam make a very good case against Peter? It was basically my suspicion at the start and the guy jerks off to American Apparel catalogues. There is something very wrong about that.

For some reason this coment just speaks to me more than the other one did.

I watched American Vandal, i tuned in for cheap dick jokes, which I got in abundance but I also received a smartly crafted show with a lot to say. It was everything a parody should be with a really good cast and an engrossing mystery about dick drawing. Highly recomended for people who enjoy dry deadpan humor, true

I did the dicks.

Saw this theory 15 years ago, and it is still stupid

You mean those poor people who call themselves Nazi’s aren’t Nazis? What are they then? The downtrodden? Those poor poor mislabeled white nationalists. They’re not actual hate filled bigots who should be stood up to and shown that their bullshit will not be tolerated by good people who see their hate speech and calls

My Grandfather was a Violent Anti-Fascist, but we mostly just refer to that portion of his life as being a Patriot and a Hero.

The Breakfast Club. I spent a good portion of my life thinking that movie was trash and then one day I caught it on cable and it all finally clicked, now its one of my favorite movies.

Now he belongs to the ages

No more Butchie, No more of this.

It’s a trap... again

Leave Dream and his siblings where they belong. On the page.

Condense the first 3 books to one season, condense books 4&5 to one season, condense books 6-9 to one season cut the PLOD out completely, then wrap it up with books 10-14 as the final season. But even then it would still be too damn slow and boring. But the battles would be fun to watch.

For me personally what keeps me from going to the theaters the most is the AV Club reviews. So good job AVC, hope your proud of yourselves.

Never listen to Keith.

I own the Star Wars movies on disks, the Marvel ones that I like too and have no children. So unless they move the Marvel Netflix shows I don’t see myself buying this service... Unless they have Song of the South of course.

Until someone dresses up as Rodan, or starts insisting that the bathroom is covered in blood, I question their commitment.

Do they handle Derry well? While Pennywise and It were scary what always freaked me out the most was Derry itself. The idea of an entire town being evil cuts deeply. The scene from the books which has always stuck with me the most was when Beverly is chased by her father and beaten in the street and everyone just