
I don’t hate Guy Fieri for anything he did. I hate him for what he will do.

But Mutt was so cool, he was like Indy except less capable and uglier.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Anyone who tries to play off Antifa as being anything like these disgusting nazis pieces of shit. Needs to have their face rubbed in shit.

I was once held up by a roving band of derelict Perfect Strangers fans and they spray painted “Mypos Rules” on to my car. So take that for what its worth.

They really are the two worst fandoms. Then again I can’t think of any good ones.

If look with the right kind of eye’s you can see Rincewind and the Luggage escaping certain doom.

If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

I don’t know if this is a good idea.

I just want to know what method he uses for the Lincoln commercials.  

Well I guess I’ll take “Play Settlers of Catan with Sean O’Neal” off my bucket list.

They’re not Dragons, they are Wyverns! Will the show ever address this distinction.

Aejon is good, but I’m gonna just call him Egg.

and so it was on the 25th day of August in the year of our lord 2017, that Marijuana became lame.

Yeah, I didn’t really know how it worked yet. Turns out it doesn’t work, just like everything else on Kinja.

The New Radicals: You get what you give, would have ruined that scene much more effectively than All Star did.

If you can’t see the difference I’m not gonna bother explaining it to you.

I think I’ll just look else where for a critique of Feminist Icons and their depictions than James “My blue aliens are as fuckable as possible”Cameron. 

The original is on Netflix as well and I highly recommend you check it out. Its a very smartly crafted narrative and worth a watch. Not so sure about this movie. 

I had hoped that cutting out Near and keeping it just between Light and L would help serve this movie. But I guess they found a way to fuck up the best 25 episode stretch of any anime ever.