
We survived, God interceded and has saved us all, Kinja has been banished

We're still here, maybe this was all an elaborate prank that got out of hand

We're still here, maybe this was all an elaborate prank that got out of hand

I saw the Girl in the Water in a theater.

Michael J Fox should hqve won an Oscar for the Secret of my Success

Homer's Enemy is an overrated episode.

Tale Spin > Darkwing Duck

I didn't think the Dragonball movie was all that bad.

I have never seen an episode of Mad Men

Yeah, but that edleweiss rendition broke my fucking heart

Barnie Miller is a national treasure

Fuck it.

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty?
Will I be rich?
Here's what she said to me

Isn't this where we came in


The Stone Door will arrive first

At this point they're just fucking with us

I tell you I won't visit a site the Robs men of the right to marry their attractive Aunts. Enjoy your Kinjamarm AV Club.

Gonna need to see a scene of the spelunking nuns crawling through 300 feet of wrecked building to get to Matt.

This episode really made me appreciate Sigourney Weaver as a villian. She really pulls it off and and again shows the Marvel Netflix shows for all their flaws do one thing really well, make compelling villians.