
Just finished the whole thing and I thought it was a pretty solid show. Not spectacular but a good binge that was well paced. I think they balanced the show between the 4 mains quite well and this time I found Iron Fist to be mostly tolerable.

The Turquoise Show

A couple of those just scream, "Jenny is insane please vaccinate your children."

Welding goggles also work


I'm going to be in the Umbral Shadow, all you penumbral shadow people can suck it!

I have Mallomars and two cans of country time lemonade (of the Yellow variety), will this suffice?

Well how bright are his eyes?

For those of us who do decide to wander Kinjapocalyse wasteland, can we all agree no posting meme's and no up voting them as well.

Ok, that German towns response is beautiful and perfect in every way. Thats how you counter a nazi rally.

Yes, but don't pay for them or this walking scab gets a slice.

Well I need cheering up! Its either this or Thorazine

Well if I had done what Fallon did for trump I would be hitting the sauce pretty damn hard too.

So this is a grudge then and nothing what so ever about content, gotcha. I won't disagree with you on that point, in fact I some what agree, but this particular instance of her being a centrist is not worth the effort. There are better more important fights. Go fight those fights please, because they actually need to

give donnie a week or two and he'll get himself another

but he's one hell of a host

Of course it is, but shiting on someone for an off joke is fantastically unimportant thing to fight against.

I don't believe so, we're going to need a ruling here.

Well here's hoping he plows his car into a chestnut tree.

Your off here, its not about agree/disagree, its about a comedy skit that misses the mark. Its not worth your effort and is counter productive to the actual cause. If you can counter a nazi rally you should, but what if you can't? What if your on-call this weekend and need to be able to respond in 20 minutes (which is