
If you can find time to be outraged about a Tina Fey skit, you really are not focusing your outrage properly.

its spelled donut AP style is horseshit

Lets build a statue to Fudgie the Whale

Well we could judge her on the Easter Egg hunt

hitler did play the oboe so that's another musician.

Police Academy 2 doesn't count, they were not even at the academy in that one

Well he is basically giving all of the same nut punch Jean Claude gave to E. Honda

The internet is cleaning house this week. To bad its incredibly dirty.

What do I get for a five dollar a month donation?

He's right, we will never stop. The Good People of the world will triumph over you and your ilk.

He's worse, because he would actually be effective at passing his bullshit.

Frrigin Illinois nazis.

He said some token words of disapproval, but that guy will lay it on the line against trump.

Only if its the Museum of Losers

All of them, every single one. They're traitors and the fought on the side of evil. The only place they should be remembered is in history books.

I'm nostalgic for 6 hours ago.

It just keeps getting worse each day. Its like being stuck on Willy Wonka's boat but an Orange nazi is driving instead of Gene Wilder.

Stop capitalizing trumps name. He has lost proper noun status.

If you stand next to a nazi, chant with a nazi, protest with a nazi, defend a nazi, then your a nazi to.

Your not fucking welcome here.