
I let my dog have some leftover turkey and he thanked me by having diarrhea on my expensive carpet the next day. đź’© happen in California

If you like bushwackers, then you’re going to like this

Downeast is my favorite! Have you ever tried it with a cinnamon-sugar rim?

You blot that shit!

Is it plugged in?

Are you from Georgia? I had a similar conversation when meeting some relatives out there.

She’s more passive aggressive, so that doesn’t really seem like her style. I think that she views my sister in law and me as the ones who stole her sons away. I have actually been super accommodating with her by spending most holidays with my husband’s family, at the expense of not being with my family, because my…

Hahah yesss! I think my response may be “why would I want to ruin my life by having kids?” I think that will crush all hope for her. The funny thing is that my husband and I do want kids! I just take objection to the fact that she acts like she has any ownership over MY uterus.

Thank you for the glorious response! It is going to be a long week...

This gif has been a reminder for me that my awful mother in law is visiting this weekend. Any advice on how to deflect the inevitable “when are you having kids” question. I swear, the more she asks the less I want them just to spite her.

I knew the family well, he was a very good dentist and had a thriving practice.

I knew a girl in high school that also stole panties! She would take them to the dressing room and layer them on and then walk out. Her dad was a dentist, so she definitely could have paid for them.

I respect your opinion, but I don’t think that it’s “bad” to offer someone earplugs if my child is screaming in their ear. It's not apologizing for a child being a child. It's offering someone relief from hearing damage when they have no option to sit anywhere else. Treat others how you would like to be treated and…

I was joking. I don't think that one friendly act will lead to unreasonable expectations. Not everyone has the forethought to bring earplugs and I'm sure they would appreciate it if/when the crying begins.

I see what you're saying... One time a driver in front of me paid my toll because they were being nice. Now, if a driver in front of me doesn’t pay my toll, I assume they’re an asshole.

A cute idea for parents traveling with kids is to make some “consolation” bags for the travelers in your immediate vicinity. Fill it with a pair of ear plugs and some random candy and tell them “thank you for your patience”.

My husband and I are both pretty hard core when we travel. Our more laid back friends like to travel with us because they can just show up and be dazzled by our planning skills.