
We’ve all been there.

I wasn’t trolling. I sincerely didn’t get the joke at first. But it was clarified y a couple of commenters. And I apologized to the OP. I got pissed because folks do regular talk shit about sex workers here. So I got all defensive. Shit happens, mistakes were made. 

Now playing

Well what a doozy. I sure made a fool of myself. Now that I was corrected, and a couple folks clarified what you meant by scum. I am sorry for going off. My bad.

Woopsie daisy. My bad. I can take the “l” and I’ll wear it like a scarlet letter when needed. I will apologise.


*Fap fap fap fap fap*  “Stuck-up bitches!” *fap fap fap fap fap*?

They didn’t take to Internet safe spaces in order to give themselves excuses for not developing emotionally. they didn’t internalize their self loathing to such a degree that they began to direct it outward toward the “SJWs” and “normies.”’

there’s no hateful language in my post. its calling it what it is, these young men are troubled, sad, and alone. im only screaming when their bubble gets so subhuman that it refuses to see people with actual opinions on sex assault and racism as actual people....but empty vessels with faces. that is a problem, and

curious to what to do when it comes to these people and their little groups. ignoring them doesnt work at all, and these type of “explaining the bullshit” only seem to validate them as actually having respectable if not flawed thoughts. best part about my matrix/fight club bullshit “awakening” was growing up and

Similar for my parents. My dad went to my mom’s house to ask her roommate out after they’d met at a party. Roommate was not home, but Mom was and they ended up on a very good date. Guess there’s something to be said for pre-cellphone times. They’ve been happily married 37 years.

I wound up striking up a relationship with another Jez commenter. We met up in California, at which point I learned that she grew up on the other side of the county as me. We had a lot of things in common, hit it off right away, got married, and eventually moved back to MoCo, where we settled down, bought a house, and

My daughter, age 9, is tough. She’s funny, smart, and a total delight. She is also very intense, argumentative, doesn’t suffer fools (adult fools), and a collector of wrongs. She goes to the barber to get her haircut because the side of her head is shaved, and she thinks the barbershop is way cool.

My parents met when my dad moved with his family into the house across the backyard from hers; she was 5 and he was 10. My mom had 4 siblings and my dad had 7 so everybody hung out in the huge shared backyard and grew up together. They finally started dating when they were in college and just celebrated their 25th

I had broken up with the only man I had ever thought I was going to marry because I’d just turned 35 and it was clear that we weren’t going to get married after all. He left town for grad school, I had to empty all the junk out of our big beautiful old house and move into a basement room of a group house.

Every love affair is a tiny forever.

When it rains it pours

i met my bf Wil while i was still in the womb, baby!!!! (together 10+ yrs now)

My mom met her current husband on a widow/widower chatroom after her previous partner was murdered. This all happened when I was in high school, but she would tell me to get off the computer and get a life.

I went on a vacation to Cuba for 2 weeks when I was in between jobs. My now husband was my Airbnb host at the second place I stopped. I’m bilingual (from college) and he speaks little English. I’m an Ivy League-educated East Coast, middle class girl, and he studied theater and grew up picking tobacco and taking care

Trump’s height and how it matches Melania/Mom’s downcast eyes really sells it.