
I have SO MANY things to say about this entire series but I’ll just stick to you. As someone who has finally (in my 28th year of life -_-) decided to assemble and stick to some personal boundaries within relationships...I adore the way you’ve handled yourself after he made those nasty comments. I love when a woman can

Nice ploy, Nick. I mean, bless his lawyer’s little heart; she’s trying.

Or, as someone cleverer than I said, a tiny reduction in vast overprivilege feels like genocide.

No. That’s not what I said or the point I was trying to make. I know that no one cares what those people think. My point was that Jezebel will publish highly biased articles to elicit a certain type of comments. Sometimes they want the commentariat to worship someone (Cardi B) but most of the time they bait the


They may or may not be an item but the entire album has a tandem film project that has Ms Monae and Ms Thompson together through all the videos. That would be heavy handed for a relationship reveal, being that they are both actors and it’s more logical that they are playing roles. Unless they are long term committed

She may actually be the closest thing to a qualified hairdresser here. Spokane is REAL white.

And Episodes 1-4 are people riding around in boats, on dragons, on horses, and taking public transportation to get to the battle site.

They also confuse “vagina” with “vulva” on the reg.

Is that so? Well, if it is, then it’s disheartening. I mean, I always assumed it was feminist from most of the comment here regarding women’s political issues and such, and I appreciate that content.

You’re not wrong.

can u not

Oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit you are for real!!!! Please then. Go on. Bout everything. You have the floor.

Bill Maher is trash.

Instead of writing off the populations of Texas and Florida (and I suppose South Carolina), I would propose helping those in these states that are fighting for rationality.

I think that even more powerful than cognitive dissonance is their confirmation bias. They have a steady stream of “news” from Fox, Breitbart, Infowars, et al. that to them, validates their insane notions.

Conservatives are nothing if not petty grudge-holding sore losers. They never imagined Clinton beating Bush in 1992, or Obama beating McCain in 2008. And since Right Wing Nutters have to be always correct, they have to spend the rest of eternity trying to spin a reality distortion field where, actually, Clinton/Obama

Tell that to Dame Helen Mirren:

I looked into getting it and, as someone with severe dermatological reactions to nickel, my first thought was "Does this metal thing contain nickel?" A cursory Google search said the answer is yes. And with that, the option dropped off my radar. I know what nickel does to my skin. I can't imagine what it would do