

Holy shit. I grew up in Everett. My grandparents live two blocks from the school he was originally going to attack and for years I lived next to what is now ACES. What a mindfuck.

Every time I see “GOP” written it is so jarring to my brain. They are not the “grand old party,” they are a bunch of cruel bigoted fools who would sooner destroy this country than uplift it. I vote we rename the GOP the NOP — nasty old party. Doesn’t hurt that it calls “NOPE” to mind.

THIS IS THE BEST WAY I HAVE EVER SEEN THIS PUT. I pray I remember this so I can pull it out of my hat as needed. ♡

Because we risk being raped, beaten, or killed if we do? Men don’t think that shit is funny when they’re on the other end.

Jesus. I mean, it happens to us so often, but it’s always a slap in the face when the men we love call us full of shit in so many words. Especially WHEN THEY ASK FOR OUR VIEWPOINT. *hugs* It is so frustrating and infuriating.

I knew a girl like this in my sophomore year of high school, I think she was 15 at the time too. Her family was from an especially impoverished part of Russia, and I have a feeling it was definitely the sort of situation described above, where a family indebted to someone basically trades their daughter to their

What a brave, wonderful man.

Imagine how much harder it is for those of us who he doesn’t deign to view as human.

Uhhhh, we high-and-mighty self-righteous fools who are responsible bartenders who DON’T get arrested for not only not carding but then also molesting minors?? Okay, cool. Sorry I do my job without “accidentally” fucking teenagers, and I am EXTRA sorry that you don’t see that that’s a major problem. You are a for real

I love that you are positive that throwing women under the bus is a winning political strategy. To be fair, it’s always worked before!! Good luck, you absolute jackass. I hope aliens impregnate your scrotum.

Maybe she did make us lethal and we are only now beginning to reckon with that power.

Christ, that whole outfit is so heinous I could weep.

WAT. Oh no. Oh, no no no. How very, very uncomfortable.

He has always had a weird quality about him that I took to be like... I don’t know, socially needy unfulfilled nerdiness? Now I realize what it was: he absolutely REEKS of guilt, but manages to mask it with what reads as self-deprecation.  What he did is already so awful but there’s something so extra squicky about a

Starred for your username :)

Gurlllll, this is so not about you. And the fact that you made it about you is really ironic, given the nature and content of this post. People assume white women are racist because a lot of white women are racist. You are going to just have to accept that sometimes, people are going to judge you on what you look like

I made it to 2:13. Bleh.

LOL your friend is an idiot and a predator and DEFINITELY should not be around or working with liquor or children again. Was that story supposed to make us feel sympathy for him? Because it just makes you look really gross for not seeing why he is a predator (and a REALLY bad bartender as well as REALLY stupid human

I used to have REPETITIVE nightmares in my teens and very early twenties that I was lost in a city I didn’t recognize. In retrospect not scary at all, but at the time they were terrifying and I had them almost every night. I think I was about twenty or twenty-one when the iPhone came out, and for those of you who are