True Boomer

Well, all I can say is I’m glad I’m not a Tolkien fanboy, so I can enjoy the show for what it is rather than grinding my teeth and tearing my clothes apart at every perceived slight of the author’s memory.

A major issue here is that people with solid earning potential are more likely to be seen as “marriageable.”


Ted McGinley?

I believe everything you wrote, but damn, nowadays, how is a man really supposed to demonstrate any of that?

Also hundreds of pages of some Dornish kid who, after spending hours developing the faintest wisp of sympathy from the reader, accomplishes exactly nothing and dies.

it sounds like you didn’t store the rice properly after opening it. instead of keeping a 50 lb bag you separate it into smaller ziplock bags so you can reseal it and each portion has less time interacting with the air. you can reuse the ziplocks as well. I use this method with pasta as a portion control measure (I’m

theres already a female stand by me equivalent, its called now & then, and its amazing

By impressing Snyder of course.

Having moved from Upstate NY to Philadelphia and now to nowhere Michigan I miss average grocery stores being awesome...

Can someone help me understand why the RS model would offer FWD, RWD, and AWD options? Or why they have a FWD version in the first place?

No. It’s that fucking bad. (Although I must admit Persuasion is my least favorite of the Jane Austen books.) My favorite is actually Mansfield Park, which gets little attention.

Seriously. Fuck everyone who withheld their vote or “voted their conscience” and refused to support Hillary. Was she perfect? No. She’s a middle-of-the-road, corporate-friendly, establishment Democrat. But for fucks sake we would not be here today if she had won. Coney Barrett, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh would be petty Rep

The dystopia is upon us, and we all expected it to be this bad.

I’ve pretty much now cut off all my friends who decided to “vote their conscience” in 2016...which somehow meant staying home or voting for Trump (!) but not Hillary. I can’t forgive them now.

Votes have consequences. People could not hold their nose or lift their butts off the couch to vote for Hillary, so an easily-manipulated autocratic buffoon got to power, and now we’re on the path to exchanging a somewhat screwed-up democracy (where voters do not elect directly the most powerful figure of government) f

“Worse than anyone imagined.”

I used to work with the guy that took his mug shot.

Can you share what brand you buy for $10?

Oh.....I thought he had a #MeToo moment and was getting fired.