True Boomer

Even if Democrats had codified Roe into law, this SCOTUS would’ve just overturned it.

How many people here actually read the “In Defense of JK Rowling” article?

I, too, despise hearing opinions that differ from mine in editorial pieces

Zack Snyder has a hard-on for Superman being a villain. It’s where he has been trying to take the character during his entire “reign” as DCEU director. He had him fight Batman in BVS, then he went crazy in Justice League, and of course in his extended epilogue of the Snyder Cut, he’s just straight up the bad guy.

I don’t know what the correct way to cleaner a slicer is but I do know that OSHA would not have approved of the way 16 year old me was taught to clean one years ago.

I mean who among us?

I think milk and eggs are worth spending a bit more for. I buy store brand organic milk partly for the taste but mostly because it last longer than other brands. Don’t forget to check the sell by date as well. 

Sorry for all you dumb bitches but some people actually do think for themselves and don’t just jump on the sixth wave feminist fascist bandwagon. Mia Farrow is the monster that brainwashed her child into believing that her father molested her. Sorry. Too bad for you. Deal with it. 

Just Friends is a funny Christmas movie. It’s not great but I love Reynolds interaction with his brother in it. And Anna Faris is awesome in it.

Goldthwait stalking the office firing off shotgun blasts never fails to make me smile.

I’ll start off by saying that I know nothing whatsoever of the particulars of this case other than what I read here.

No matter how bulky the frame,(fake fireplace, book case, stool, etc.), the electric space heater is 1500 watts.  Unless you’re doing it for style, the $19.95 space heater does the same as the $149.95 space heater.

... are located in New Jersey

“add your dried out tofu” is not a line that I ever need to see in a recipe 

...he’s said, on multiple occasions, that when he does make another movie (his tenth), it’ll be his last.

I thought I had conquered my complex fear of careening off the side of a bridge and trying to get out of a vehicle. After reading this, I guess I haven’t.

I keep it simple with mulled cider -- cinnamon sticks, allspice berries, and cloves, along with an orange cut in half. If I’m feeling fancy, I stud the orange with the cloves first.

We don’t have the all night markets but our local chains all open at 7:00 AM.  I joined the early shoppers’ club at the start of COVID and will likely stick with it.

Kylie acknowledging that a woman can lie about abuse?! Did hell freeze over?